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Today we are talking about the Refreshing Peppermint & Green tea Facial mask from JOIK.
Welcome to RandRilu!
Today we are talking about the Refreshing Peppermint & Green tea Facial mask from JOIK.
Sedalaadi tootega on mul esmakordne kokkupuude. Tavaliselt olen eelistanud selliseid lihtsaid maske, mida saab totsikust otse näole mäkerdada. Küllap sellepärast on antud toode ka mõneks ajaks kapi peale oma aega ootama jäänud. Tundub ju nii hull protseduur, et selleks on tervet vaba päeva vaja :P
Okei, aga nüüd siis maskitama!
It is my first time trying this kind of a mask. Usually I have preferred those more simple face masks. Straight from the tube on to the face. Probably that is also the reason why this particular product has been sitting in the shelf for a while now. It seems like such a big ordeal that would require a whole day off, you know :P
Okay, but now on to the mask.
It is my first time trying this kind of a mask. Usually I have preferred those more simple face masks. Straight from the tube on to the face. Probably that is also the reason why this particular product has been sitting in the shelf for a while now. It seems like such a big ordeal that would require a whole day off, you know :P
Okay, but now on to the mask.
The istruction says, that You should mix 1 tablespoon on mask powder with the same amount of herb tea or water. I will be definetly trying out the tea version, but this time I mixed it with water.
Pulber segunes päris hästi selliseks veidraks tükiliseks pastaks. Mõnusat tee lõhna on hästi tunda.
Peale kandmine on veidi kummaline, kuna segu on parajalt paks ja tükiline. Mugavaim viis on kätega nahale kanda. Mõte tekkis küll, et eriti fancy oleks seda pintsliga teha... aga jah...
Soovituslik on kanda kuivale nahale, vältides silmade ja huulte ümbrust. Paratamatult, kui pakendil on kirjas, et toode on 100% looduslik, tekib tahtmine veidi maitsta, et mis maitsega siis asi on :) On Teil ka tekkinud selline vastupandamatu tunne?
Sel korral sain maitsmise tungist jagu ja keskendume ikka näo hooldamisele ;)
The powder mixed quite well into a weird and lumpy paste. You can smell the green tea for sure.
Applying it is a bit strange, beacuse the paste is thick and lumpy. The best way is to apply it with Your hands. For a moment there I was thinking it would be very fancy trying to apply it with a brush... but oh well...
They reccommend to apply it to dry skin, avoiding the eye and lip area. You can't help but think, that if a product is 100% natural, could You taste it a little bit, just to see what it tastes like :) Have You ever had that urge?
This time I managed to avoid the urge and concentrated on treating the face :D
The powder mixed quite well into a weird and lumpy paste. You can smell the green tea for sure.
Applying it is a bit strange, beacuse the paste is thick and lumpy. The best way is to apply it with Your hands. For a moment there I was thinking it would be very fancy trying to apply it with a brush... but oh well...
They reccommend to apply it to dry skin, avoiding the eye and lip area. You can't help but think, that if a product is 100% natural, could You taste it a little bit, just to see what it tastes like :) Have You ever had that urge?
This time I managed to avoid the urge and concentrated on treating the face :D
Nüüd siis kui segu on nahale kantud, tuleks tal lasta mõjuda 10-15 minutit.
Tee lõhn on mõnusalt tuntav, tõesti värskendav ja jahutav tunne. Piparmünt ei ole väga tugev ja tuntav, mida ma tegelikult oleksin väga oodanud. Kuid varasemast kogemusest on see ka tegelikult hea, sest kuigi tunne nahal võib väga hea olla, ajab tugev piparmünt silmad vesiseks.... minul vähemalt...
Mahaloputamine võttis veidike aega, kuna mask oli ikka päris hästi näole kinni kuivanud, aga päris mõnus kooriv tunne oli seda eemaldada. Kindlasti lihtsam oli kui mõne teise juba kokku segatud maski maha võtmine.
Maskijärgne tunne on küll meeldiv. Nahk hingab jälle. Põskedel ka selline kerge õhetav tunne.
See oli siis esimene kord seda maski katsetada. Soovituslik oleks korrata maskitamist korra nädalas. Kuna pulbrit on kotikeses tervelt 50g, siis saab päris tükk aega nahka hellitada sellega.
Selleks korraks kõik.
Tsau! ;)
Now that the mixture is applied, it should stay on for 10-15 minutes.
You can smell the pleasant aroma of the tea for sure. It truely is refreshing and cooling. The peppermint is not very stong on this one though. Actually I was looking forward for it, but from earlier experience it is also a good thing. You know when sometimes the cooling effect on the skin is very nice, but at the same time the smell is quite overwhelming, making your eyes water? Well that did not happen and I am happy about that.
Rinsing off this mask took some time, since it had dried quite stuck on the face. But removing it gave also a nice exfoliating feeling, just like I was using a facial scrub as well. And it was easier to remove than a regular pre-mixed mask from the tube.
The skin was left feeling very nice. You can feel the skin breathing... a very nice and fresh sensation. Also the cheeks got a rosie tint :D
That was my first impression of trying this mask. It is reccommended to keep using it once a week for better results. Since there is quite much of the powder in the bag (a whole 50g), You can pamper your skin for quite a while with it.
That is all for today.
Until next time! ;)
Now that the mixture is applied, it should stay on for 10-15 minutes.
You can smell the pleasant aroma of the tea for sure. It truely is refreshing and cooling. The peppermint is not very stong on this one though. Actually I was looking forward for it, but from earlier experience it is also a good thing. You know when sometimes the cooling effect on the skin is very nice, but at the same time the smell is quite overwhelming, making your eyes water? Well that did not happen and I am happy about that.
Rinsing off this mask took some time, since it had dried quite stuck on the face. But removing it gave also a nice exfoliating feeling, just like I was using a facial scrub as well. And it was easier to remove than a regular pre-mixed mask from the tube.
The skin was left feeling very nice. You can feel the skin breathing... a very nice and fresh sensation. Also the cheeks got a rosie tint :D
That was my first impression of trying this mask. It is reccommended to keep using it once a week for better results. Since there is quite much of the powder in the bag (a whole 50g), You can pamper your skin for quite a while with it.
That is all for today.
Until next time! ;)