Tere tulemast RandRilu´sse!!
Täna tahaksin rääkida soenguvahenditest...
Sest tegelikult iga kaunis soeng algab õigest juukselõikusest ja õigetest viimistlusvahenditest, mis aitavad juustel jääda paigale meistri (olgu sees siis Sina ise või juuksur) käe all ja samuti sätituks jäädagi.
Pole ju midagi närvesöövamat olukorrast, kus oled kulutanud palju aega ja energiat, et sättida oma juuksed paika ja siis mõne aja pärast ei ole sellest mingitki märki enam alles....
Antud tooted, millest juttu tahan teha on tegelikult Eesti turul saadaval juba augustist 2014.
Kohe kui nad välja tulid, saavutasid nad ka suure populaarsuse... Vähemasti RandRilu salong Tallinn klientide seas... Kohe räägin ka miks see nii oli...
Tegemist on toodetega, milles teineteist täiendavad 2 koostist. Esimene on kreem, mis koosneb polümeeridest ja annab soengule kuni 72 tundi püsivust, ning teine on geel, mis annab kuumakaitset kuni 230 kraadi eest ja hooldab juukseid intensiivselt soengu tegemise ajal.
Welcome back to RandRilu!
Today I would like to talk about some styling products...
Every good hairstyle starts with having the right haircut and right products, which help the hair to be managable under the stylists care (whether the stylist is You yourself, or a trained hairstylist) and stay put.
There´s nothing more nerve wrecking when You have spent a lot of time and effort in doing Your hair and after some time there is nothing left of the hairdo (read: masterpiece) ...
These products mentioned in this blog post, are actually on the market, here in Estonia, since august 2014. As soon as they launched, they beacame highly popular... Atleast among RandRilu salon Tallinn clients... I will get to why it was shortly...
These are products which consist of 2 different complimentary ingredients. The first one is a cream, consisting of polymers, and giving the hairstyle up to 72 hours of durability. The second is a gel formula, which gives heatprotection up to 230C degrees and mantaines the hair during styling.
Kaks koostist on pandud ühe pakendi sisse, ehk siis tuubi sees on tuub :D See teeb omakorda kasutamise palju lihtsamaks.
2 koostist segatakse kokku vahetult enne toote pealekandmist, mis võimaldab maksimaalselt säilitada mõlema koostise eeliseid.
Two ingredients have been put together in one package. There´s simply a tube, inside a tube :D
And that, my friends, makes using it very easy.
These two ingredients are mixed together directly before application, which helps to maintain the benefits of them both to a maximum.
1. Liss & Pump-Up Väljendusrikas kohevus ja sametiselt sile juuste tekstuur. Koosneb kohevust andvast kreemist ja geelist, mis muudab juuksed sametiselt pehmeks ja kaitseb kuumuse kahjuliku mõju eest.
2. Bouncy & Tender Täiuslike kontuuridega lokid ja pehme juuste tekstuur. Koosneb lokke esile tõstvast kreemist, mis niisutab, silub ja annab juustele sära ja geelist, mis annab lokkidele elastsust ja kaitseb juukseid kuumuse kahjuliku mõju eest.
3. Sleek & Swing Kohevuse talitsemine ja loomulik liikuvus tõrksatele juustele. Koosneb siluvast kreemist, mis vähendab juuste kohevust ning kergendab nende kammimist ja soengusse seadmist ja geelist, mis tagab pikaajalise fikseerimise ja kaitseb juukseid kuumuse kahjuliku mõju eest.
There are three products in the Dual Stylers range. So something for everybody :)
1. Liss & Pump-Up Defined volume and silky smooth texture to the hair. Consists of a volumizing cream and gel, giving the hair softness and protecting the hair from heat damage.
2. Bouncy & Tender Perfectly contoured curls and soft texture to the hair. Consists of cream, contouring the curls, while moisturizing, smoothing and giving back shine to the hair and a gel formula, which gives elasticity to the curls serves protection from damage made by heat.
3. Sleek & Swing Perfect for achieving smooth, sleek looking hair but with a natural and fluid movement. The cream core gives anti-humidity protection from the look of frizz. While the gel works to add a light-reflecting shiny look, and movement back into the hair. If you love hair that looks like it is naturally sleek, but still full of movement. This is the styling product for you.
Igas tootes on märgata ka väikest sädelust, mis annab juustele juurde sära ja läiget. Populaarseks sai see toode kuna teda on ääretult lihtne kasutada. Tulemus jääb väga loomulik, ent samas viimistletud. Ja muidugi kuna toodet ei ole tugevalt tunda juustes peale kasutamist... Teate ju küll seda tunnet, kui oled soengu ära teinud ja tegelikult tahaks kiiresti pead pesema joosta, sest puhastest juustest ei ole midagi alles... on mingi kleepuv ja mitte hoidev mess.
Õnneks selle toote õrna koostisega nii ei lähe /kergenduseohe/
Dual Stylerid on saadaval L´Oréal Professionnel salongides ja peatselt ka randrilubox.com veebipoes, hinnaga 24.50€ mis ei ole tegelikult palju nii universaalse toote eest.
Paljudel RandRiluBOX "THE COLORS OF LIGHT" tootekarbi tellijatel on võimalus seda toodet ka oma nahal... või pigem siis juustel... proovida!
In every one of those products there is also noticeable a slight shimmer, which gives the hair even more shine. A big reason for the popularity of these aroducts, was how easy they are to use. The end result is very natural, but at the same time polished. It is not detectable in the hair after use, meaning the hair stays clean... You know what I am talking about... sometimes after doing Your hair, the first thing You´d want to do is wash it again, because a product has made it into a sticky mess.
Fortunately this won´t happen, due to the gentle formula of the Dual Stylers. /sigh of relief/
The Dual Stylers are available at L´Oréal Professionnel salons and soon also in our randrilubox.com online store. The price is aroud 24.50€, which, I think, is not much for such an universal product.
Many subscribers of our RandRiluBOX "THE COLORS OF LIGHT" subscription box can try this product and get the experience first hand.!
Anna kommentaarides ka oma kogemustest teada...
Selleks korraks kõik.
Be sure to let Us know about You´re experiences with them in the comments...
That´s all for today.
Until next time!!