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Täna tahaksin rääkida palju ülemaailmset menu ja elevust kogunud tootest, mis nüüd juba mõnda aega RandRilu salongide juuksurite ja klientide rõõmuks, ka salongis saadaval on.
Kes veel kuulnud ei ole, siis....
Welcome back to RandRilu!!
Today I would like to talk about a global sensation in haircare.This product range has been available in RandRilu salons for a while now... bringing great joy to all of our Stylists and clients alike.
So, if You have never heard of Olaplex. then this blogpost is specially for You...
Mis on Olaplex?
Olaplex on aine, millel on eriline omadus parandada katkenud disulfiidiväävlisidemed juustes. Juuksed katkevad enim just termilisel, mehaanilisel ja keemilisel töötlemisel. Nüüd on leitud aga moodus, kuidas taastada juukseid ja vältida juuste katkemist. Olaplexi on võimalik kasutada mitmel erineval viisil: segades värvi või blondeerija sisse ning eraldi hooldusena.
Sisaldades kõigest üht aktiivset koostisosa, seob ta uuesti kahjustatud disulfiid ühendid juuksestruktuuris. Toimib enne keemilist mõju, selle ajal ja peale seda. Teeb juuksed märksa tugevamaks ja vastupidavamaks kui nad olid enne.
Jah...see võib kõlada tõesti nagu tüüpiline sales pitch, kuid piisab vaid korraks heita pilk sotsiaalmeediasse ja sisestada otsingusse #Olaplex, ning leiate tuhandeid foorumeid, töid ja tagasisidet professionaalidelt ja samuti nende klientidelt üle maailma. See on suurim tõestus ja tunnustus kui mis iganes reklaam.
Olaplexi värvi sisse segades kaitseb see juukseid värvimise, eriti blondeerimise ajal, taastades ja tugevdades juukse struktuuri. Samuti on võimalik teostada eraldi juuksehooldust. (kestab umbes 1 h).
Olaplex tootevalikusse kuulub 3 toodet:
What is Olaplex?
Olaplex reconnects broken disulfide sulfur bonds in the hair. Hair bonds are broken during thermal, mechanical and chemical services. Now there's a way to restore damaged hair and avoid breakage. It is possible to use Olaplex in different variations: mixed in the haircolour of bleach and as a seperate treatment.
Containing only one active ingredient, Olaplex reconnects broken disulfide sulfur bonds inside the hair structure. It works before the chemical treatment, during it and also afterwards. It makes hair stronger and more healthier with every use .
Yeah... sure it sounds like a typical sales pitch... But if You'd take a peek at different socialmedia sites, using the hashtag #Olaplex, You would see thousands of forums, created looks and feedback from professionals and their clients from all around the world. That is the biggest proof and compliment for a good product...
When mixing Olaplex in the haircolour, it protects the hair during colouring... especially during bleaching it protects and strengthtens the hair structure.
A seperate hair treatment can be also done to restore the hair even more. It takes about an hour and leaves the hair stronger and more shiny.
There a 3 products in the Olaplex range:
When mixed into the haircolour or bleach Olaplex No.1 Bond Multiplier reconnects broken disulfide sulfur bonds in the hair. It is also used in Olaplex hair treatment in the salon or during perms and hair relaxers. Hair bonds are broken during thermal, mechanical and chemical services, which Olaplex No.1 Bond Multiplier helps to prevent.
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Olaplex No. 2 Bond Perfector is not a conditioning treatment nor is it an activator or neutralizer. It uses the same active ingredient found in the Bond Multiplier No.1, however developed as a cream form for ease of application and use in the Olaplex System. This second step is necessary with all services for the best results. This is used to link the remaining disulfide bonds before and after service restoring the strength, structure and integrity of the hair.
Olaplexil on olemas ka koduhoolduseks kasutatav toode - Olaplex No. 3
Olaplex No.3 Hair Perfector / Ideaalsete juuste eliksiir loodi klientide palvel, kes soovisid pikendada salongis saadud efekti kodustes tingimustes. Isegi tugevdatud ja taastatud ühendid juuksestruktuuris lagunevad ajaga igapäevastest termilistest, mehhaanilistest või keemilistest mõjudest. Olaplex No.3 toetab juuste tervist ja säilitab nende jõu, pehmuse ja läike järgmise visiidini salongi.
Niisketele, rätikuga kuivatatud juustesse kanda arvestatav kogus Olaplex No.3. Mõjumisaeg – minimaalselt 10 minutit. Kahjustatud juustele – mitte välja pesta ja kanda korduvalt Olaplex No.3 minimaalselt 10 minutiks. Mida kauem lasta mõjuda, seda parem on tulemus. Seejärel pesta juuksed šampooniga ja kanda peale mask või palsam.
Olaplex No.3 Hair Perfector EI OLE PALSAM EGA MASK. Teda pestakse maha šampooni ja palsamiga. Soovituslik kasutamine, 1 kord nädalas.
Vajadusel võib kasutada ka tihedamini, ilma piiranguteta.
Olaplex also has a at home treatment - Olaplex No.3
Olaplex No. 3 Hair Perfector is a retail portion of the Olaplex System and contains the same active ingredient as both the No.1 and No. 2. This enables to repair and maintain strong, healthy hair in between services as it continues to link bonds within the hair.
Instructions for the take home Olaplex No3:
The No.3 Bond Perfector is designed for at-home use. It is best to apply to clean, towel-dried hair. If build-up is present such as oils or silicones, shampoo and towel dry before application for best results.
Apply a generous amount to towel-dried hair and comb through.
Leave on for a minimum of 10 minutes. Keep in mind, the longer it's on, the more effective it is.
Rinse, shampoo and condition.
Olaplex No.3 Hair Perfector IS NOT A CONDITIONER NOR A MASK. It is required to rinse off with shampoo and conditioner. For best results use once weekly.
If neccessary it can be used more often than that.
Olaplex ei sisalda silikooni, sulfaate, ftalaate, DEA-d, aldehüüde ega gluteeni ning seda pole kunagi loomadel katsetatud.
Tutvu lähemalt ka Olaplex hinnakirjaga RandRilu salong kodulehel SIIN.
Olaplex is free of silicone, sulfates, phthalates, DEA, aldehydes, gluten and is never tested on animals.
Want to know more about the prices for the Olaplex services? CLICK HERE.
Selleks korraks kõik. / That's all for today.
Kribamiseni!!! / Until next time!!!