Tere tulemast RandRilu´sse!
Alustuseks tahaksin kohe vabandada, et meie seekordne postitus ennast kaua oodata lasi. Aga see nädal saab siis eriti tore olema, sisaldades lausa katseid ja puha ;)
Täna siis teeme juttu L´Oréal Professionnel Color Correctorist, mis on blondidele mõeldud, värvi korrigeeriv kreem. See toode on ideaalne blondidele juustele, mille toon on astmetel 8 –10 (ehk siis need heledamad blondid toonid, kuid mitte päris kriitvalged)
Lisan siia ka mõned punktid selle toote kasuteguritest.
• sisaldab värvitooni korrigeerivaid pigmente;
• eemaldab kollaka varjundi;
• aitab säilitada veatut tooni veel kaua pärast juuste värvimist;
• lihtne kasutada, ei tilgu;
• kasutada vaheldumisi tavapärase hooldusvahendiga;
Welcome to RandRilu!
This time our blog post is very special... we have made some tests of our own on this new product, and have documented it all the way.
Today we are talking about L'Oréal Professionnel Color Corrector, which is a product meant for lighter hair (perfect for shades 8-10).
Here are some highlighted benefits of this product:
• contains color pigments, which help correct color ;
• helps to get rid of yellow undetones in the hair;
• helps to keep a flawless tone, long after last color treatment;
• easy to use, no dripping;
• used interchangeably with conventional conditioner or treatments;
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L'Oréal Professionnel Color Corrector Blondes 150 ml 18.50€ |
Kuna tegemist on ka koju kaasa ostetava tootega (mitte üksnes profi kasutajale), siis esialgu mind hirmutas jutt selle intensiivsusest. Ei taha ju et keegi kodus ennast smurfiks värviks sellega.
Et veenduda intensiivsuses ja mis erinevaid alatoone oleks võimalik saavutada, siis viisin läbi mõned katsed selle tootega.
Võtsin vägagi heledad juuksed, mis on nii mõndagi pidanud läbi elama... saanud üksjagu meeletut kuuma, ebainimlikus koguses juukselakki jne. Valik sai selline tehtud just sel põhjusel, et kui väga heledate juustega inimene seda kasutaks, kui tõenäoline on, et ta oma juuksed liiga siniseks värvib....
Nüüd siis aga katse juurde!
Juuste pesemiseks kasutasin mitte nii enam uut, kuid siingi blogis Triinu poolt proovitud Vitamino Color AOx shampooni. Seejärel jaotasin kolm erinevat salku. Esimesele salgule kandsin puhtal, lahjendamata kujul Color Corrector kreemi.
Teisele salgule lahjendasin Color Corrector kreemi Vitamino Color AOx palsamiga pooleks.'
Ning Kolmandale salgule sai segu, kus Color Corrector keemi oli ainult tibake palsami sees.
Segu sai juustel hoitud kuskil 10 minutit. Ning seejärel loputasin.
Kindlasti mitte sinine. Paraku piltidel seda toonivahet nii hästi eristada ei õnnestu, kuid juuksed olid kindlasti jahedama alatooniga kui varem ja kui päris aus olla siis kahes esimeses segu variandis on vahe vaevu märgatav.
Since this is a product, that clients can use at home (not just professional use), I was a bit intimidated by the talk of high intensity. We don't want anyone to end up with smurf hair at home. :)
In order to be sure of it's intensity and the different undertones possible, we decided to test it out.
I took some very light hair, which have been through a lot. Gotten it's fair share of intense heat and hairspray to last a lifetime. I chose this hair, because if a person with very light hair should try this product at home, how likely it is to turn blue.
Now... the test!
To wash the hair I used the not so new Vitamino Color AOx shampoo, which Triin talked about in this blog in an earlier post. Then I took three different sections. On the first section I applied pure Color Corrector cream. On the second section I diluted the cream with Vitamino Color AOx conditioner, in half and half ratio. On the third section I applied mostly conditioner with a dash of color corrector mixed in. After about 10 minutes, I rinsed.
The results...
Definetly not blue. Unfortunately it does not show as well on the pictures, but the hair had a lot ashier undertone after that. And there is not a lot of noticeable difference on the first and second section of the hair.
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L´Oreal Professionnel Color Corrector |
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Juuksed ennem Color Correctori peale kandmist. // Hair before Color Corrector application. |
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Peale 10 minuti möödumist, loputasin juuksed. //After about 10 minutes, I rinsed the hair. |
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Lõpptulemus. Juuksenõelad tähistavad kohti, kuhu oli eelnevalt peale kantud erineva intensiivsusega segud. // The end result. The hairpins added, mark the different sections of hair that were taken |
Proovisime Color Corrector kreemi ka meie püsikliendil, Kaisal.
Kaisa on nüüd mõnda aega tagasi otsustanud blondiks minna. Varasemalt oli ta punase ja musta kirju. Mõlemad nendest toonidest on üsna keerukad juustelt maha saada, kuid õnneks talle meeldib kerge kuldne vajund juustes, mis tegi värvi muutmise protsessi tunduvalt lihtsamaks.
Aga et natukene kuuma suve poolt (Tal oli suvel võimalus eestist ära oola, kus ikka oli suvi ja päike ka :) ) veel kuldsemaks pleekinud juustele jahedamat alatooni anda, otsustasime kasutada seda toodet ka tema juustel.
We also tried the Color Corrector on one of our regular clients.
Kaisa has been wanting to go blonde a while ago. She used to have black and red hair, which both are not the easisest pigments to remove from the hair. Luckily she likes a golden undertone in the hair, which made the color removing proccess then a lot easier.
But the hot summer (She had the chance to escape to a place, where there actually was a summer, not like in Estonia this year) made her hair even more golden, so we decided to use this product to neutralize some of the gold and to give back some ashier undertones.
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Kõigepealt me värvisime ära väljakasvu, kuid siin on veidi näha millised olid juuksed ennem. // First we colored the regrowth, but here You can see what the hair looked like before. |
On the midlength and ends we applied Color Corrector cream mixed half and half with Vitamino Color AOx conditioner. Since we were too scared to risk it ending up with a undertone, that is too ashy. After a maximum of 5 minutes, we rinsed.
Kuna juuksed olid algselt üpriski kuivad ja kahjustunud, otsustasime teha ka hoolduse. Valisime Tahe Magic Botox hoolduse, mis annab juustele koheselt tagasi elujõu ja sära.
Since the hair was not in a very good condition to begin with, we decided to do a treatment as well. We selected the Tahe Magic Botox Treatment, which instantly strengthens and gives back shine to the hair.
Siin ka siis lõpptulemus. Kokkuvõtteks võib öelda, et ei tasu väga karta liiga sinakat tooni selle värvi korrigeeriva kreemi puhul. Kuid kuna kõik juuksed on erinevad, siis ennem omale koju soetamist tasuks juuksuriga koos järele proovida kuidas see toode toimib. Igal juhul julgen soovitada.
See on aga selleks korraks kõik! :)
And here is the finised result. In conclusion, I can say that there is no reason to be afraid that it turns out blue on the hair with this color correcting cream. But, since all hair is not the same, I suggest You to try it out on your hair, with Your hairstylist before You purchase it. I personally definetly reccommend it.
That's all for today :)
Until next time!
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