Tere tulemast RandRilu´sse!
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Eraldi blogi postituse vajadus tulenes tegelikult eelkõige toodetest... sest nagu juba varasemalt rääkinud oleme, siis head tooted on olulised ilusa tulemuse saavutamiseks, lisaks mõningatele oskustele muidugi :D
Loodetavasti saame anda vastuseid mõningatele enim levinud küsimustele seoses lokkide tegemisega.
Nüüd siis aga kõigest lähemalt....
Tegelikult oleks hea otsuseni jõuda, kas teha lokke või jätta juuksed sirgeks juba siis kui juuksed märjad on. Ennem föönitamist oleks mõistlik lisada juba juustesse toode, mis aitab luua püsiva soengu. Olgu see siis mõni lokkide tegemiseks mõeldud kreem, geel või sprei vms. L´Oreal Professionnel andis mõni aeg tagasi välja spetsiaalse sarja lokkide jaoks - Hollywood Waves. Sellest sarjast on minu üks lemmikumaid tooteid Waves Fatales geelkreem, mis on keskmise tugevusega toode ja annab juustele peale föönitamist hea hoidvuse ning aitab hoida lokke sees peale juuste tangidega töötlemist.
Welcome back to RandRilu!!
Today I would like to talk about curls
We made a video about it as well, which You can watch above.
The idea of writing a seperate blog post came from the products I used... It would take too much time to talk about each and every one seperately in a video. And at this moment we only have a Estonian version of the video available.
I have mentioned it time and time again how important good products can be in creating a beautiful style... some skills could also come handy ofcourse :D
Hopefully we can answer some frequent questions regarding making long lasting curls.
So, on to the curls...
Actually it would be a good idea to decide if you would like to do some curls or leave the hair straight, when the hair is still freshly washed. Before blowdrying You should use a product that would help You achieve a lasting result. It can be a cream, meant for creating curls, a gel, or a spray. L´Oréal Professionnel launched a new line some time ago for creating or enhacing curls and waves - Hollywood Waves. One favourite product of mine from this line is Waves Fatales Gel-cream. It has a medium hold and gives the hair a nice texture after blow-drying, making it easy to make curls afterwards with a curling wand and helping them stay in for longer.
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L´Oréal Professionnel Hollywood Waves - Waves Fatales 150ml 21.00€ |
* Kaitse värvitud juustele
* Kaitse kuumuse eest (kuni 230 kraadi)
* Annab sära
* Pehmendab
* Ühtlustab värvitooni
* Niisutab
* Kergendab kammimist
* Aitab vältida juuste murdumist
* Aitab vältida juuste lõhenemist
* Aitab vähendada juuste kahusust
Nii heledate juuste puhul, nagu mul paruka näol tegemist oli, oli kindlasti vaja midagi tõhusat ja hooldavat. Selleks sobis see sprei ideaalselt.
For creating curls in the wig, I used Vitamino Color A Ox Infinite 10in1 spray to firstly comb the hair and revitalize the hair. This product is very universal and has lots of use options:
* Heat protection up to 230 degrees C (446 F)
* Shine
* Softness
* Consistency of hair fibers from roots to tips
* Smoothness
* Detangling
* Easier blowdry
* Anti-breakage
* Helps reduce the appearance of split ends
* Helps reduce the look of frizz
When dealing with such light hair, as the wig was, I used, You will definetely need something efficient and maintaing. So this spray was perfect for that.
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L´Oréal Professionnel Vitamino Color A Ox INFINITE 10 in 1 sprei 190ml 18.90€ |
Kindlasti võib see kuumakaitse ja soengu tegemise sprei veel mõnes salongis saadaval olla, seega kui silma hakkab, siis tasub hankida.
Next, I used a product, which is sadly discontinued in the baltics :´( This heat protecting styling spray may be still available in some salons, so if You happen to come across it... it might be a good investment for You.
Pli asemel aga saab kasutada kuumakaitseks ennem lokitangide kasutamist termoaktiseeruvat spreid - Constructor. Tegemist on aerosoolspreiga, mida on ääretult lihtne kasutada ja ühtlaselt juustele laiali kanda.
And in case not having a bottle of PLI in Your reach, You can use Constructor.
Constructor is a dual benefit heat protector. This thermo-protecting spray gives a chic-texturised finish as well a strong hold for voluminous and wavy hair styles. The spray amplifies any volumised look whilst allowing flexible fixing. Don't be afraid of overloading your hair, you can spray plenty without weighing your hair down. The heat protecting spray leaves no visible residue in the hair, so it is perfect for all hair types, leaving hair styles with a surprisingly light feel.
Lõplikuks viimistlemiseks kasutasin Infinium Extreme juukselakki.
Kellele L´Oréal Professionnel Infinium sarja lakid veel tundmatud, siis tegemist on juukselakiga, millel on imepeenikesed lakipiisad. Toode kuivab ühe sekundiga, ei kuhju juustel, andes kohese fikseeriva toime, ilma jäikustunnet jätmata ehk siis ei muuda juukseid kõvaks ja on kergesti väljakammitav. Annab suurepärase sära.
For the final touch, I used Infinium Extreme hairspray.
If You are not yet familiar with the L´Oréal Professionnel Infinium range, then this is a extra fine hairspray. When spraying it almost resembles fine dust. This is an essential for fixing a style in place. This means high fixation, an outstanding shiny finish and a dry formula without a stiff feel on the hair.
Anna kommentaarides teada, on keegi teist mõnda nendest toodetest juba kasutanud? Kuidas on teie kogemused?
Let Us know down in the comments what are Your experiences with those products, if You have tried them already.
Selleks korraks kõik.
Next, I used a product, which is sadly discontinued in the baltics :´( This heat protecting styling spray may be still available in some salons, so if You happen to come across it... it might be a good investment for You.
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L´Oréal Professionnel Tecni.Art PLI |
And in case not having a bottle of PLI in Your reach, You can use Constructor.
Constructor is a dual benefit heat protector. This thermo-protecting spray gives a chic-texturised finish as well a strong hold for voluminous and wavy hair styles. The spray amplifies any volumised look whilst allowing flexible fixing. Don't be afraid of overloading your hair, you can spray plenty without weighing your hair down. The heat protecting spray leaves no visible residue in the hair, so it is perfect for all hair types, leaving hair styles with a surprisingly light feel.
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L´Oréal Professionnel Tecni.Art Constructor termoaktiveeruv sprei 150ml 15.60€ |
Kellele L´Oréal Professionnel Infinium sarja lakid veel tundmatud, siis tegemist on juukselakiga, millel on imepeenikesed lakipiisad. Toode kuivab ühe sekundiga, ei kuhju juustel, andes kohese fikseeriva toime, ilma jäikustunnet jätmata ehk siis ei muuda juukseid kõvaks ja on kergesti väljakammitav. Annab suurepärase sära.
For the final touch, I used Infinium Extreme hairspray.
If You are not yet familiar with the L´Oréal Professionnel Infinium range, then this is a extra fine hairspray. When spraying it almost resembles fine dust. This is an essential for fixing a style in place. This means high fixation, an outstanding shiny finish and a dry formula without a stiff feel on the hair.
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L´Oréal Professionnel Infinium Extreme juukselakk 300ml 12.10€ |
Let Us know down in the comments what are Your experiences with those products, if You have tried them already.
Selleks korraks kõik.
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