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Täna räägime taas sellise firma, nagu YODEYMA Paris parfüümidest.
Tegemist on firmaga, mille lõhnad on inspireeritud maailmakuulsatest parfüümidest. Kindlasti ei ole nende parfüümide näol tegemist knock-off idega. Kuigi lõhnad on tõesti sarnased ja väga soodsad, on tegemist siiski kvaliteetsete toodetega, mis püsivad kaua. Neid parfüüme pakutakse peamiselt ilusalongides... jaekaubanduses neid minule teada olevalt saada ei ole. Täissuuruses parfüüm on 100ml, ning hind jääb kuskil 25 euro kanti... mis tegelikult on ju väga hea diil...või mis?
Lähiajal ongi veel tulemas mõned postitused, kus veidi täpsemalt räägime nendest parfüümidest, ning millistest lõhnadest nad inspireeritud on... Varasemalt oleme juba kirjutanud parfüümidest RED, IRIS, NOTION WOMAN ja NICOLÀS FOR HER
Need tooted on olnud varasemalt ka meie RandRiluBOX tootekarbis "THE COLOURS OF LIGHT"
Täna räägime ADRIANA parfüümist.
ADRIANA on inspireeritud Giorgio Armani Si parfüümist.
Welcome back to RandRilu!
Today I would once again like to talk about a perfume company called YODEYMA
It is a brand, which products are greatly inspired by world famous perfumes. Those surely aren´t cheap knock offs by any means. Although the perfumes are really similar as far as I can tell. And the price is not so bad either, they are very long lasting and of good quality.
The perfumes are mainly sold in beauty salons... As far as I know, they are not available in retail.
The full size perfume is 100 ml and the price is around 25 €... Which is a good deal! ...Right!?
In the near future we plan to bring You a few more blogposts of those perfumes, talking a little bit more about which world famous perfumes, they resemble...
In previous posts we have talked about such perfumes as RED, IRIS, NOTION WOMAN and NICOLÀS FOR HER.
These perfume samples have been earlier featured in our RandRiluBOX subscription box "THE COLOURS OF LIGHT"
Today I would like to talk about ADRIANA.
ADRIANA is inspired by Giorgio Armani´s perfume Si.
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Yodeyma Adriana & Giorgio Armani Si |
Yodeyma ise kirjeldab seda parfüümi nii:
Mustsõstra karismaatiliselt magusad noodid koos vanilliga, annavad sellele parfüümile omanäolise iseloomu alates esimesest hetkest.
Chypre - Puuviljalõhnaline
On austust äratav parfüüm sügavalt iseseisvale ja kaasaegsele naisterahvale.
Algnoodid on need, mis avalduvad esimesena parfüümis.
Südamenoodid annavad parfüümile hinge.
Põhinoodid on need, mis annavad parfüümile sügavuse
Algnoodid: Mustsõstar
Südamenoodid: Vanilje
Põhinoodid: Puit
Yodeyma describes this perfume as following:
The charismatic sweet notes of Black currant, combined with vanilla, give this perfume a unique character from the very first moment.
Chypre - Fruity
ADRIANA is a very respectful perfume for a deeply independent and modern woman.
Like with every other perfume, this one is also based on three main lines.
Topnotes are the ones, which come to play firstly in a perfume.
Heartnotes give the perfume spirit.
And basenotes give the perfume it´s depth and are recognized the longest. Basically what mostly is left by the end of the night.
Topnote: Black currant
Heart note: Vanilla
Base note: Wood
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Yodeyma ADRIANA parfüümi sämpel / Yodeyma ADRIANA perfume sample |
Valik nendest toodetest on saadaval RandRilu salongides ja ka randrilubox.com veebipoes.
RandRiluBOX tootekarbi tellijatel on võimalus seda toodet ka proovida, sest tootekarbis võib olla 1 Yodeyma parfüümi tester! 😉
A selection of these perfumes are available in RandRilu salons and also in our randrilubox.com online shop.
RandRiluBOX subscribers may have the chance to sample this product, since we´ll include a perfume sample in some of our boxes. 😉
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Yodeyma ADRIANA parfüümi sämpel / Yodeyma ADRIANA perfume sample |
Mis Sina arvad sarnastest, nn. dupe´idest?
One thing I like most about the perfume sample, is that it comes as a spray. Not in a tiny glass vessel You have to pry open and then apply the perfume with a plastic wand thingy... Just saying....
What do You think about this type of dupes?
Selleks korraks kõik!
That´s all for today!
Until Next time!!
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