Tere tulemast RandRilu´sse!!
Täna räägime ühest kiirest SOS abivahendist varjamaks väljakasvanud juuksejuuri.
Hair Touch Up L´Oréal Professionnel´ilt. Eriti sobilik on see abivahend katmaks halle juuksejuuri kui ei ole aega/võimalust olnud juuksurisse minna, aga on vaja oma parim välja näha...
Hair Touch Up on saadaval 6s erinevas värvitoonis.
Wecolme back to RandRilu!!
Today we are talking about a quick SOS product for covering up your grey on the regrowth.
Hair Touch Up from L´Oréal Professionnel. It is the perfect quick fix if you haven´t had time/the chance to visit your hairdesser, but you need to look your best...
Hair Touch Up is available in 6 different shades.
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L´Oréal Professionnel Hair Touch Up 75ml 13.90€ |
Siin ka mõned kasutegurid:
- Viivitamatu katvus
- Peidab hallid juuksejuured
- Ei jäta juukseid märjaks
- Võimalik täpselt peale kanda
- Lihtne kasutada
- Kestab kuni järgmise pesukorrani
- Ei muuda juukseid kleepuvaks
- Jätkub 10-15 kasutuskorraks
Being a hairdresser, I know that clients become unhappy with their coloured hair after 2-3 weeks, because then the grey hairs start to show again. That is why products like Hair Touch Up have been developed. So that in desperate times, when there is no chance to visit your hardresser, you can still have a quick fix to look your best...
Here ae some product benefits:
- Prompt coverage
- Grey coverage on re-growth
- Does not leave the hair looking wet
- Precise application where needed
- Easy to use
- Lasts until the next wash
- Does not leave the hair feeling sticky
- Lasts 10 up to 15 uses
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Toodet on võimalik kasutada kõikide juuksevärvidega...
MUST on sobilik tumedusastmetele 1,2 ja 3. See tähendab mustast kuni sügava pruunini.
PRUUN on sobilik tumedusastmetele 4 ja 5.
HELEPRUUN on sobilik tumedusastmetele 5 ja 6.
TUMEBLOND on sobilik tumedusastmetele 6 ja 7.
BLOND blondidele juustele
PUNAKASPRUUN e. MAHAGON soojema alatooniga pruunidele juustele.
Hair Touch Up is possible to use with all haircolours...
For example:
BLACK on hair depth levels 1,2 and 3. Which means from black up to deep brown.
BROWN is suitable on levels 4 and 5.
LIGHT BROWN on levels 5 and 6.
DARK BLONDE on levels 6 and 7.
BLONDE is suitable for blonde hair
MAHOGANY is suitable for all brown shades with a warmer undertone.
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L´Oréal Professionnel Hair Touch Up värvivalik // color range |
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L´Oréal Professionnel Hair Touch Up värvi näidised // color swatches |
Hair Touch Upi on võimalik kasutada täpselt neis kohtades, kus on hallid juuksed,
mida soovite varjata, näiteks juuksepiiril või seitlil.
Pihusta hallidele juustele, mida soovid varjata, ning tõmba sõrmedega läbi juuste,
et tulemus jääks loomulik.
How to use:
Hair Touch Up can be used precisely in places where there are grey hair,
which you want to hide, for example, on the hairline or on the parting.
Spray on grey hair you want to hide, and pull your fingers through the hair,
so that the result remains natural.
PÕHINEB SILIKOONIL - Põhikoostisosa, mis annab loomuliku tulemuse ja loob kerge lõppviimistluse.
PROFESSIONAALSED PIGMENDID - Ühtivad pooltoonide kaupa kõikide värvitoonidega, jätmata nähtavaid piirjooni
MIKRO HAJUTAMINE - Tagab täpse pealekandmise.
TEHNOLOOGIA - Kuivab kohe ning ei jäta
juukseid märjaks,
välistades seega
BASED ON SILICONE - A basic ingredient that gives a natural result and creates a light finish.
PROFESSIONAL PIGMENTS - Compatible with half tones in all colors, without leaving visible margins.
MICRO DISPERSION - Ensures accurate application.
"FREEZE" DRY TECHNOLOGY - Ensures spray dries immediately and does not leave your hair wet, therefore preventing sticking and tranfering.
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L´Oréal Paris Magic Retouch 75ml |
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L´Oreal Professionnel Hair Touch UP 75ml |
Kui päris aus olla, siis uurisin ka poes leitava L´Oréal Paris Magic Retouch koostist ja tegelikult ega suurt vahet ei olnud Hair Touch Up´iga. Võibolla siinkohal mainida et osade pigmentide nimekiri on pikem, aga toonivalik ja pakendi suurus on ka sama. Ainuke suur erinevus, mis neil on... on hind. Hair Touch Up maksab salongides umbes poole rohkem...
Loodetavasti oli antud postitus abiks...
To be very honest... I looked into the ingredients of the L´Oréal Paris Magic Retouch, which You can find in supermarkets... or drugstores, and there was no big difference with Hair Touch Up. Only some of the pigment list looks longer, but the shade selection and the size of the bottle is the same. The only big difference is... the size. Hair Touch Up costs about half as much in the salons...
Hopefully this post was helpful...
Selleks korraks kõik!
That´s all for today!
Until next time!!
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