reede, 9. september 2016

L´Oréal Professionnel PRO FIBER


Tere tulemast RandRilu´sse!!

Täna teeme juttu uuest ja revolutsioonilisest juuksehooldusest, milleks on PRO FIBER L´Oréal Professionnel´ilt.


Welcome back to RandRilu!!

Today I would like to talk about a new and revolutionary Hair Treatment, called PRO FIBER from
L´Oréal Professionnel.

RandRilu salong Tallinn on L´Oréal Professionnel maineka Salon Expert grupi liige ja tänu sellele avanes meil ka võimalus seda toodet ennem Baltikumi turule jõudmist proovida. Ausalt öeldes olin ma juba pikalt elevil ja ootel selle toote järele. Isiklikult nägin ja kuulsin sellest uuest tooteliinist esimest korda möödunud aasta sügisel Cannes´is, L´Oreali Business Forumil käies.


As RandRilu salon Tallinn is a member of L´Oréal Professionnel Salon Expert group, we had the oppurtunity to test this new product line, before it launched in the Baltics. To be honest I was very excited and waiting for it for a while. Personally I first saw and heard of PRO FIBER last autumn in Cannes´ at the L´Oreal Business Forum.

Mis siis teeb selle juuksehoolduse erilisemaks kõigist teistest?

Tegemist on uue hoolduse programmiga, mis põhineb patenteeritud tehnoloogial APTYL 100, mis on eriline, magnetiliste omadustega ühend aminosilaanist ja katioonsetest polümeeridest. Kui tavaliste juuksehooldusvahendite kosmeetiline mõju võib jääda lühildaseks... ehk siis väärtuslikud koostisosad uhutakse välja juba esimese juuksepesuga, siis PRO FIBER tagab efektiivse juuste taastamise ja tulemuse püsimajäämise kuni kuueks nädalaks.
PRO FIBERi programmi kuulub kolm hooldussarja. Juuksur määrab diagnostika abil kliendile sobivaima, arvestades juuste paksust ja kahjustatuse astet. Valikus on:
1. RECTIFY – roosa tootesari, mis sobib kahjustatud kutiikulaga juustele.
2. RESTORE – roheline tootesari, mis sobib kahjustatud kutiikula ja korteksiga juustele.
3. RECONSTRUCT – violetne tootesari, mis sobib väga kahjustatud kutiikula ja korteksiga juustele.

Igasse programmi tootesarja kuuluvad šampoon, palsam, mask ja igapäevaseks kasutamiseks mõeldud seerum. Salongiprotseduuri tulemuse kuni kuuenädalaseks püsimiseks tuleb igal neljandal juuksepesukorral kasutada koduseks kasutamiseks mõeldud RE-CHARGE’i kontsentraati.
Selle hoolduse edu võti seisneb shampoonis ja RE-CHARGE kontsentraadis. Ilma nende kahe tooteta muutub hooldus põhimõtteliselt mõtetuks. Seega tasuks arvestada selle kulutusega.

What makes this treatment more special from others?

PRO FIBER is a long-lasting recharging hair care programme for damaged hair, based on APTYL 100 molecular complex. By combining Aminosilane with a special cationic polymer, It starts in salon and is prolonged at home. When ordinary treatments may have a short-term result, meaning that the valuable molecules are washed out at home with the first hair wash, PRO FIBER garanties a effective hair recovery and a lastin result, for up to six weeks.

In the PRO FIBER program line there are three treatments. The stylist chooses the right treatment, by performing a hair diagnosys, considering the thickness of the hair and the level of damage of the hair. The product lines available are:
1. RECTIFY - The pink product line. This range is perfect for normal to slightly damaged hair.
2. RESTORE - The green product line. This range is perfect for hair, that has a damaged cortex and cuticula.
3. RECONSTRUCT - The purple product line. Is perfect for very damaged hair.
Every product line of this programme consists of a shampoo, conditioner, mask and a serum for daily use.
Use the RE-CHARGE booster every fourth shampoo as a substitute to your conditioner or mask and recharge the salon resurfacing effect yourself at home for up to 6 weeks; revealing long-lasting hair beauty.
The key to success with this tretment lies in the shampoo and RE-CHARGE booster. Without those two products the treatment basically becomes pointless. So it would be highly reccommended to plan the purchase of them.

Kuidas leida õige hooldus ja milline näeb välja protsess?

Kolmest juba mainitud hooldusest õige valimine käib läbi konsultatsiooni ja testi. Test ei ole midagi väga keerulist... ausõna :D
Juuksuriga koos arutatakse läbi kliendi harjumused oma juuste hooldamisel, igapäevaseks stiliseerimiseks kasutatavad vahendid ja juuste elastsus ning üldine väljanägemine. Seejärel, kui sobilik hooldus on välja selgitatud ja koduseks edaspidiseks hooldamiseks vajalikud vahendid on välja valitud, võib hakata hooldust tegema.


How to find the perfect treatment and how does the procedure work?

In order to find the perfect treatment out of the three, the hairstylist makes a consultation and a test. Nothing very difficult... I promise :D
The consultation consists of talking through the habits of at home haircare, everyday styling products that are being used and the overall elasticity and look of the hair.
After the right treatment has been selected and the products needed for the aftercare at home have been chosen, it is time to get to the Treatment itself. 

Esimesena pestakse juuksed ühest kolmest juba eelpool mainitud shampooniga. Seejärel kantakse juustele valitud hooldusele mõeldud kontsentraat, mis toimib justkui "takso", ning aitab järgneval sammul kasutatava maski juuksesse viia. Mask ongi siis see aine, mis sisaldab seda mainitud APTYL 100 kompleksi, mida iga pesuga kodus taasaktiveerima hakatakse. Põhimõtteliselt muutes iga pesu uueks hoolduseks.
Peale kuskil 15. minutilist ootamist ongi aeg mask maha loputada, ning hooldus ongi tehtud. Ei midagi keerulist, kuid tulemused see-eest on kohati lausa uskumatud!


To start the treatment the hair is washed with one of the three shampoos I mentioned earlier. Then a specific concentrate for the treatment is applied. The concentrate works as a "taxi" for the upcoming mask, helping the benefitial particles to get deep in the hair. The mask is the part that contains the APTYL 100 complex I was talking about earlier. Later, at home, each wash activates the particles again. Basically meaning each wash will be another treatment.
After about 15 minutes it is time to rinse everything off, and the treatment is done. Nothing too complicated, but the results are just incredible!

Pilt juuksur Annika modellist ennem ja pärast Pro Fiber Restore hooldust /
A before and after Pro Fiber Restore treatment picture from Annika´s model.  

Tjahhh.. seekord sai küll pikk postitus, kuid loodan, et see-eest oli informatiivne ja põnev lugemine... sest meie oleme küll kõik väga elevil selle hoolduse üle. Tule ka salongi ja proovi ära... või kui oled juba proovinud, siis millised on Sinu kogemused?


Yes, today´s blog post was a long one, but I hope it was somewhat informative and exciting reading... Because we are all excited about the new treatment. Why not book a visit to the salon and give it a try... or if You already have tried it. Let me know about Your experience...

Selleks korraks kõik. / That´s all for today.
Kribamiseni!! / Until next time!!


esmaspäev, 11. juuli 2016

OLAPLEX on saadaval ka RandRilu salongides! / OLAPLEX @ RandRilu salons!


Tere tulemast RandRilu´sse!!

Täna tahaksin rääkida palju ülemaailmset menu ja elevust kogunud tootest, mis nüüd juba mõnda aega RandRilu salongide juuksurite ja klientide rõõmuks, ka salongis saadaval on.
Kes veel kuulnud ei ole, siis....


Welcome back to RandRilu!!

Today I would like to talk about a global sensation in haircare.This product range has been available in RandRilu salons for a while now... bringing great joy to all of our Stylists and clients alike.
So, if You have never heard of Olaplex. then this blogpost is specially for You...

Mis on Olaplex?

Olaplex on aine, millel on eriline omadus parandada katkenud disulfiidiväävlisidemed juustes. Juuksed katkevad enim  just termilisel, mehaanilisel ja keemilisel töötlemisel. Nüüd on leitud aga moodus, kuidas taastada juukseid ja vältida juuste katkemist. Olaplexi on võimalik kasutada mitmel erineval viisil: segades värvi või blondeerija sisse ning eraldi hooldusena.
Sisaldades kõigest üht aktiivset koostisosa, seob ta uuesti kahjustatud disulfiid ühendid juuksestruktuuris. Toimib enne keemilist mõju, selle ajal ja peale seda. Teeb juuksed märksa tugevamaks ja vastupidavamaks kui nad olid enne.
Jah...see võib kõlada tõesti nagu tüüpiline sales pitch, kuid piisab vaid korraks heita pilk sotsiaalmeediasse ja sisestada otsingusse  #Olaplex, ning leiate tuhandeid foorumeid, töid ja tagasisidet professionaalidelt ja samuti nende klientidelt üle maailma. See on suurim tõestus ja tunnustus kui mis iganes reklaam.

Olaplexi värvi sisse segades kaitseb see juukseid värvimise, eriti blondeerimise ajal, taastades ja tugevdades juukse struktuuri. Samuti on võimalik teostada eraldi juuksehooldust. (kestab umbes 1 h).
Olaplex tootevalikusse kuulub 3 toodet:

What is Olaplex?

Olaplex reconnects broken disulfide sulfur bonds in the hair. Hair bonds are broken during thermal, mechanical and chemical services. Now there's a way to restore damaged hair and avoid breakage. It is possible to use Olaplex in different variations: mixed in the haircolour of bleach and as a seperate treatment.
Containing only one active ingredient, Olaplex reconnects broken disulfide sulfur bonds inside the hair structure. It works before the chemical treatment, during it and also afterwards. It makes hair stronger and more healthier with every use .
Yeah... sure it sounds like a typical sales pitch... But if You'd take a peek at different socialmedia sites, using the hashtag #Olaplex, You would see thousands of forums, created looks and feedback from professionals and their clients from all around the world. That is the biggest proof and compliment for a good product... 
When mixing Olaplex in the haircolour, it protects the hair during colouring... especially during bleaching it protects and strengthtens the hair structure. 
A seperate hair treatment can be also done to restore the hair even more. It takes about an hour and leaves the hair stronger and more shiny.
There a 3 products in the Olaplex range:


When mixed into the haircolour or bleach Olaplex No.1 Bond Multiplier reconnects broken disulfide sulfur bonds in the hair. It is also used in Olaplex hair treatment in the salon or during perms and hair relaxers. Hair bonds are broken during thermal, mechanical and chemical services, which Olaplex No.1 Bond Multiplier helps to prevent.


Olaplex No. 2 Bond Perfector is not a conditioning treatment nor is it an activator or neutralizer. It uses the same active ingredient found in the Bond Multiplier No.1, however developed as a cream form for ease of application and use in the Olaplex System. This second step is necessary with all services for the best results. This is used to link the remaining disulfide bonds before and after service restoring the strength, structure and integrity of the hair.

Olaplexil on olemas ka koduhoolduseks kasutatav toode - Olaplex No. 3


Olaplex No.3 Hair Perfector / Ideaalsete juuste eliksiir loodi klientide palvel, kes soovisid pikendada salongis saadud efekti kodustes tingimustes.  Isegi tugevdatud ja taastatud ühendid juuksestruktuuris lagunevad ajaga igapäevastest termilistest, mehhaanilistest või keemilistest mõjudest. Olaplex No.3 toetab juuste tervist ja säilitab nende jõu, pehmuse ja läike järgmise visiidini salongi.


Niisketele, rätikuga kuivatatud juustesse kanda arvestatav kogus Olaplex No.3. Mõjumisaeg – minimaalselt 10 minutit. Kahjustatud juustele – mitte välja pesta ja kanda korduvalt Olaplex No.3 minimaalselt 10 minutiks. Mida kauem lasta mõjuda, seda parem on tulemus. Seejärel pesta juuksed šampooniga ja kanda peale mask või palsam.

Olaplex No.3 Hair Perfector EI OLE PALSAM EGA MASK. Teda pestakse maha šampooni ja palsamiga. Soovituslik kasutamine, 1 kord nädalas.

Vajadusel võib kasutada ka tihedamini, ilma piiranguteta.

Olaplex also has a at home treatment - Olaplex No.3


Olaplex No. 3 Hair Perfector is  a retail portion of the Olaplex System and contains the same active ingredient as both the No.1 and No. 2. This enables to repair and maintain strong, healthy hair in between services as it continues to link bonds within the hair.

Instructions for the take home Olaplex No3:

The No.3 Bond Perfector is designed for at-home use. It is best to apply to clean, towel-dried hair. If build-up is present such as oils or silicones, shampoo and towel dry before application for best results.

Apply a generous amount to towel-dried hair and comb through.
Leave on for a minimum of 10 minutes. Keep in mind, the longer it's on, the more effective it is.
Rinse, shampoo and condition.

Olaplex No.3 Hair Perfector IS NOT A CONDITIONER NOR A MASK. It is required to rinse off with shampoo and conditioner. For best results use once weekly.
If neccessary it can be used more often than that.

Olaplex ei sisalda silikooni, sulfaate, ftalaate, DEA-d, aldehüüde ega gluteeni ning seda pole kunagi loomadel katsetatud.
Tutvu lähemalt ka Olaplex hinnakirjaga RandRilu salong kodulehel SIIN.

Olaplex is free of silicone, sulfates, phthalates, DEA, aldehydes, gluten and is never tested on animals.
Want to know more about the prices for the Olaplex services? CLICK HERE.

Selleks korraks kõik. / That's all for today.
Kribamiseni!!! / Until next time!!!


teisipäev, 31. mai 2016

Lokid, lokid, lokid...


Tere tulemast RandRilu´sse!

Täna teeme juttu lokkidest.
Tegime sel teemal ka video, mida saad vaadata


Eraldi blogi postituse vajadus tulenes tegelikult eelkõige toodetest... sest nagu juba varasemalt rääkinud oleme, siis head tooted on olulised ilusa tulemuse saavutamiseks, lisaks mõningatele oskustele muidugi :D
Loodetavasti saame anda vastuseid mõningatele enim levinud küsimustele seoses lokkide tegemisega.
Nüüd siis aga kõigest lähemalt....
Tegelikult oleks hea otsuseni jõuda, kas teha lokke või jätta juuksed sirgeks juba siis kui juuksed märjad on. Ennem föönitamist oleks mõistlik lisada juba juustesse toode, mis aitab luua püsiva soengu. Olgu see siis mõni lokkide tegemiseks mõeldud kreem, geel või sprei vms. L´Oreal Professionnel andis mõni aeg tagasi välja spetsiaalse sarja lokkide jaoks - Hollywood Waves. Sellest sarjast on minu üks lemmikumaid tooteid Waves Fatales geelkreem, mis on keskmise tugevusega toode ja annab juustele peale föönitamist hea hoidvuse ning aitab hoida lokke sees peale juuste tangidega töötlemist.


Welcome back to RandRilu!!

Today I would like to talk about curls
We made a video about it as well, which You can watch above. 
The idea of writing a seperate blog post came from the products I used... It would take too much time to talk about each and every one seperately in a video. And at this moment we only have a Estonian version of the video available.
I have mentioned it time and time again how important good products can be in creating a beautiful style... some skills could also come handy ofcourse :D
Hopefully we can answer some frequent questions regarding making long lasting curls. 
So, on to the curls...
Actually it would be a good idea to decide if you would like to do some curls or leave the hair straight, when the hair is still freshly washed. Before blowdrying You should use a product that would help You achieve a lasting result. It can be a cream, meant for creating curls, a gel, or a spray. L´Oréal Professionnel launched a new line some time ago for creating or enhacing curls and waves - Hollywood Waves. One favourite product of mine from this line is  Waves Fatales Gel-cream. It has a medium hold and gives the hair a nice texture after blow-drying, making it easy to make curls afterwards with a curling wand and helping them stay in for longer.  

L´Oréal Professionnel Hollywood Waves - Waves Fatales 150ml 21.00€ 
Parukasse lokkide tegemisel, kasutasin juuste lahti kammimiseks ja taaselustamiseks Vitamino Color A Ox Infinite kümme-ühes spreid. See toode on väga universaalne ja paljude kasutusvõimalustega:
* Kaitse värvitud juustele
* Kaitse kuumuse eest (kuni 230 kraadi)
* Annab sära
* Pehmendab
* Ühtlustab värvitooni
* Niisutab
* Kergendab kammimist
* Aitab vältida juuste murdumist
* Aitab vältida juuste lõhenemist
* Aitab vähendada juuste kahusust
Nii heledate juuste puhul, nagu mul paruka näol tegemist oli, oli kindlasti vaja midagi tõhusat ja hooldavat. Selleks sobis see sprei ideaalselt.

For creating curls in the wig, I used Vitamino Color A Ox Infinite 10in1 spray to firstly comb the hair and revitalize the hair. This product is very universal and has lots of use options:
* Heat protection up to 230 degrees C (446 F)
* Shine
* Softness
* Consistency of hair fibers from roots to tips
* Smoothness
* Detangling
* Easier blowdry
* Anti-breakage
* Helps reduce the appearance of split ends
* Helps reduce the look of frizz
When dealing with such light hair, as the wig was, I used, You will definetely need something efficient and maintaing. So this spray was perfect for that.

L´Oréal Professionnel Vitamino Color A Ox INFINITE 10 in 1 sprei 190ml 18.90€ 
Järgmiseks sai kasutatud toodet, mis tänaseks kahjuks baltikumis enam tootevalikusse ei kuulu :´(
Kindlasti võib see kuumakaitse ja soengu tegemise sprei veel mõnes salongis saadaval olla, seega kui silma hakkab, siis tasub hankida.

Next, I used a product, which is sadly discontinued in the baltics :´( This heat protecting styling spray may be still available in some salons, so if You happen to come across it... it might be a good investment for You.
L´Oréal Professionnel Tecni.Art PLI
Pli asemel aga saab kasutada kuumakaitseks ennem lokitangide kasutamist termoaktiseeruvat spreid - Constructor. Tegemist on aerosoolspreiga, mida on ääretult lihtne kasutada ja ühtlaselt juustele laiali kanda.

And in case not having a bottle of PLI in Your reach, You can use Constructor.
Constructor is a dual benefit heat protector. This thermo-protecting spray gives a chic-texturised finish as well a strong hold for voluminous and wavy hair styles. The spray amplifies any volumised look whilst allowing flexible fixing. Don't be afraid of overloading your hair, you can spray plenty without weighing your hair down. The heat protecting spray leaves no visible residue in the hair, so it is perfect for all hair types, leaving hair styles with a surprisingly light feel.

L´Oréal Professionnel Tecni.Art Constructor termoaktiveeruv sprei 150ml 15.60€

Lõplikuks viimistlemiseks kasutasin Infinium Extreme juukselakki.
Kellele L´Oréal Professionnel Infinium sarja lakid veel tundmatud, siis tegemist on juukselakiga, millel on imepeenikesed lakipiisad. Toode kuivab ühe sekundiga, ei kuhju juustel, andes kohese fikseeriva toime, ilma jäikustunnet jätmata ehk siis ei muuda juukseid kõvaks ja on kergesti väljakammitav. Annab suurepärase sära.

For the final touch, I used Infinium Extreme hairspray. 
If You are not yet familiar with the L´Oréal Professionnel Infinium range, then this is a extra fine hairspray. When spraying it almost resembles fine dust.  This is an essential for fixing a style in place. This means high fixation, an outstanding shiny finish and a dry formula without a stiff feel on the hair. 
L´Oréal Professionnel Infinium Extreme juukselakk 300ml 12.10€
Anna kommentaarides teada, on keegi teist mõnda nendest toodetest juba kasutanud? Kuidas on teie kogemused?

Let Us know down in the comments what are Your experiences with those products, if You have tried them already.

Selleks korraks kõik.



neljapäev, 28. aprill 2016

Yodeyma Paris parfüümid: NOTION WOMAN


Tere tulemast RandRilu´sse!!

Paljud meie #boxitarid märkasid kindlasti oma RandRiluBOX tootekarbist huvitava parfüümi sämpli selliselt firmalt nagu YODEYMA.
Tegemist on firmaga, mille lõhnad on inspireeritud maailmakuulsatest parfüümidest. Kindlasti ei ole nende parfüümide näol tegemist knock-off idega. Kuigi lõhnad on tõesti sarnased ja väga soodsad, on tegemist siiski kvaliteetsete toodetega, mis püsivad kaua. Neid parfüüme pakutakse peamiselt ilusalongides... jaekaubanduses neid minule teada olevalt saada ei ole. Täissuuruses parfüüm on 100ml, ning hind jääb kuskil 25 euro kanti... mis tegelikult on ju väga hea diil...või mis?
Lähiajal ongi veel tulemas mitmeid postitusi, kus veidi täpsemalt räägime tootekarpides olnud parfüümi sämplitest, ning millistest lõhnadest nad inspireeritud on... Varasemalt oleme juba kirjutanud pärfüümidest IRIS ja NICOLÀS FOR HER
Täna räägime NOTION WOMAN parfüümist.

NOTION WOMAN on inspireeritud Carolina Herrera 212 NYC parfüümist.


Welcome back to RandRilu!

As many of our subscription box subscribers already know, in our spring box "THE COLORS OF LIGHT" we featured an interesting perfume sample from a brand called YODEYMA.
It is a brand, which products are greatly inspired by world famous perfumes. Those surely aren´t cheap knock offs by any means. Although the perfumes are really similar as far as I can tell. And the price is not so bad either, they are very long lasting and of good quality.
The perfumes are mainly sold in beauty salons... As far as I know, they are not available in retail.
The full size perfume is 100 ml and the price is around 25 €... Which is a good deal! ...Right!?
In the near future we plan to bring You a series of those perfumes, talking a little bit more about the different samples that were featured in the box, and which world famous perfumes, they resemble... 
In previous posts we have talked about such perfumes as IRIS and NICOLÀS FOR HER.
Today I would like to talk about NOTION WOMAN.

NOTION WOMAN is inspired by Carolina Herrera´s perfume 212 NYC.

Yodeyma ise kirjeldab seda parfüümi nii:
Mandariini värskus väljendub algnoodina, lillelised ja vürtsikad essentsid nagu gardeenia ja sandlipuu annavad tulemuseks huvitava parfüümi.
Lilleline - Magusmahlakas
Notion woman on rõõmsameelne parfüüm dünaamilisele naisterahvale.
Algnoodid on need, mis avalduvad esimesena parfüümis.
Südamenoodid annavad parfüümile hinge.
Põhinoodid on need, mis annavad parfüümile sügavse

Algnoodid: Mandariin

Südamenoodid: Gardeenia

Põhinoodid: Sandlipuu

Yodeyma describes this perfume as following:
The freshness of Mandarin is first to impress. Floral and spicy essences, like Gardenia and Sandalwood follow, making it an very interesting Perfume.
Floral - Juicysweet
Notion Woman is a happy scent, meant  for a dynamic woman.
Like with every other perfume, this one is also based on three main lines. 
Topnotes are the ones, which come to play firstly in a perfume.
Heartnotes give the perfume spirit.
And basenotes give the perfume it´s depth and are recognized the longest. Basically what mostly is left by the end of the night.

Topnote: Mandarine

Heart note: Gardenia

Base note: Sandalwood

Valik nendest toodetest on saadaval RandRilu salongides ja ka veebipoes.

RandRiluBOX "THE COLORS OF LIGHT" tootekarbi tellijatel on võimalik seda toodet ka proovida, sest tootekarbis võib olla 1 Yodeyma parfüümi tester ;)

A selection of these perfumes are available in RandRilu salons and also in our online shop.
RandRiluBOX "THE COLORS OF LIGHT" subscribers may have had the chance to sample this product, since we included a perfume sample in some of our spring boxes. 

Mis mulle testri puhul kõige enam meeldib, on asjaolu, et see on sprei, mitte tilluke klaasist ampullike, mida on keeruline lahti nokkida ja siis plastikust pulgaga endale peale kraapida. Just saying...

Oled proovinud neid parfüüme? Mis Sina arvad sarnastest, nn. dupe´idest?

One thing I like most about the perfume sample, is that it comes as a spray. Not in a tiny glass vessel You have to pry open and then apply the perfume with a plastic wand thingy... Just saying....
Have You tried these perfumes already? What did You think? What do You think about this type of dupes?

Selleks korraks kõik.


esmaspäev, 25. aprill 2016

Yodeyma Paris parfüümid: NICOLÀS FOR HER


Tere tulemast RandRilu´sse!!

Paljud meie #boxitarid märkasid kindlasti oma RandRiluBOX tootekarbist huvitava parfüümi sämpli selliselt firmalt nagu YODEYMA.
Tegemist on firmaga, mille lõhnad on inspireeritud maailmakuulsatest parfüümidest. Kindlasti ei ole nende parfüümide näol tegemist knock-off idega. Kuigi lõhnad on tõesti sarnased ja väga soodsad, on tegemist siiski kvaliteetsete toodetega, mis püsivad kaua. Neid parfüüme pakutakse peamiselt ilusalongides... jaekaubanduses neid minule teada olevalt saada ei ole. Täissuuruses parfüüm on 100ml, ning hind jääb kuskil 25 euro kanti... mis tegelikult on ju väga hea diil...või mis?
Lähiajal ongi tulemas mitmeid postitusi, kus veidi täpsemalt räägime tootekarpides olnud parfüümi sämplitest, ning millistest lõhnadest nad inspireeritud on...
Täna räägime NICOLÀS FOR HER parfüümist.

NICOLÀS FOR HER on inspireeritud Narciso Rodriguez NARCISO RODRIGUEZ FOR HER parfüümist.


Welcome back to RandRilu!

As many of our subscription box subscribers already know, in our spring box "THE COLORS OF LIGHT" we featured an interesting perfume sample from a brand called YODEYMA.
It is a brand, which products are greatly inspired by world famous perfumes. Those surely aren´t cheap knock offs by any means. Although the perfumes are really similar as far as I can tell. And the price is not so bad either, they are very long lasting and of good quality.
The perfumes are mainly sold in beauty salons... As far as I know, they are not available in retail.
The full size perfume is 100 ml and the price is around 25 €... Which is a good deal! ...Right!?
In the near future we plan to bring You a series of those perfumes, talking a little bit more about the different samples that were featured in the box, and which world famous perfumes, they resemble...
Today I would like to talk about NICOLÀS FOR HER.

NICOLÀS FOR HER is inspired by Narciso Rodriguez´s perfume NARCISO RODRIGUEZ FOR HER.

Yodeyma ise kirjeldab seda parfüümi nii:
Valge muskus on just see mis juhib selle parfüümi olemust. Vetiveri ja muskuse kombinatsioon annavad tulemuseks äärmuslikult naiseliku parfüümi.
Lilleline - Puiduhõnguline
Nicolás for her on mõistatuslik parfüüm kaasaegsele ja modernsele naisele.
Algnoodid on need mis avalduvad esimesena parfüümis.
Südamenoodid annavad parfüümile hinge.
Põhinoodid on need, mis annavad parfüümile sügavuse.

Algnoodid: Apelsiniõis

Südamenoodid: Valge Muskus

Põhinoodid: Vetiver

Yodeyma describes this Perfume as following:
White Musk is guiding this perfumes being. Among with the combination of Vetiver it results in femininity at its most powerful.
Floral- Wood
Nicolàs for her is a perfume for a modern woman.
Like with every other perfume, this one is also based on three main lines. 
Topnotes are the ones, which come to play firstly in a perfume.
Heartnotes give the perfume spirit.
And basenotes give the perfume it´s depth and are recognized the longest. Basically what mostly is left by the end of the night.

Topnote: Orange Blossom

Heart note: White Musk

Base note: Vetiver

Valik nendest toodetest on saadaval RandRilu salongides ja ka veebipoes.

RandRiluBOX "THE COLORS OF LIGHT" tootekarbi tellijatel on võimalik seda toodet ka proovida, sest tootekarbis võib olla 1 Yodeyma parfüümi tester ;)

A selection of these perfumes are available in RandRilu salons and also in our online shop.
RandRiluBOX "THE COLORS OF LIGHT" subscribers may have had the chance to sample this product, since we included a perfume sample in some of our spring boxes. 

Mis mulle testri puhul kõige enam meeldib, on asjaolu, et see on sprei, mitte tilluke klaasist ampullike, mida on keeruline lahti nokkida ja siis plastikust pulgaga endale peale kraapida. Just saying...

Oled proovinud neid parfüüme? Mis Sina arvad sarnastest, nn. dupe´idest?

One thing I like most about the perfume sample, is that it comes as a spray. Not in a tiny glass vessel You have to pry open and then apply the perfume with a plastic wand thingy... Just saying....
Have You tried these perfumes already? What did You think? What do You think about this type of dupes?

Selleks korraks kõik.


neljapäev, 21. aprill 2016

Yodeyma Paris parfüümid: IRIS


Tere tulemast RandRilu´sse!!

Paljud meie #boxitarid märkasid kindlasti oma RandRiluBOX "THE COLORS OF LIGHT" tootekarbis huvitava parfüümi sämpli selliselt firmalt nagu YODEYMA.
Tegemist firmaga, mille lõhnad on inspireeritud maailmakuulsatest parfüümidest. Kindlasti ei ole nende parfüümide näol tegemist knock-off idega. Kuigi lõhnad on tõesti sarnased ja väga soodsad, on tegemist siiski kvaliteetsete toodetega, mis püsivad kaua. Neid parfüüme pakutakse peamiselt ilusalongides... jaekaubanduses neid minule teada olevalt saada ei ole. Täissuuruses parfüüm on 100ml, ning hind jääb kuskil 25 euro kanti... mis tegelikult on ju väga hea diil...või mis?
Lähiajal ongi tulemas mitmeid postitusi, kus veidi täpsemalt räägime tootekarpides olnud parfüümi sämplitest, ning millistest lõhnadest nad inspireeritud on...
Esimesena alustame IRIS parfüümist.

IRIS on inspireeritud Thierry Mugler-ALIEN parfüümist.


Welcome back to RandRilu!

As many of our subscription box subscribers already know, in our spring box "THE COLORS OF LIGHT" we featured an interesting perfume sample from a brand called YODEYMA.
It is a brand, which products are greatly inspired by world famous perfumes. Those surely aren´t cheap knock offs by any means. Although the perfumes are really similar as far as I can tell. And the price is not so bad either, they are very long lasting and of good quality.
The perfumes are mainly sold in beauty salons... as far as I know, they are not available in retail.
The full size perfume is 100 ml and the price is around 25 €... Which is a good deal! I know! ...Right!?
In the near future we plan to bring You a series of those perfumes, talking a little bit more about the different samples that were featured in the box, and which world famous perfumes, they resemble...
First off I´d like to talk about IRIS.

IRIS is inspired by Thierry Mugler´s perfume ALIEN.

Yodeyma ise kirjeldab seda lõhna nii:
Jasmiini rikkus, apelsini õie energia ja merevaigu magneetilisus loovad salapärase kombinatsiooni sensuaalsele naistrahvale.
Idamaine - Puiduhõnguline
Iris on parfüüm mis kiirgab erakordset energiat, puhta ja peene maitsega naisterahvale.
Algnoodid on need mis avalduvad esimesena parfüümis.
Südamenoodid annavad parfüümile hinge.
Põhinoodid on need, mis annavad parfüümile sügavuse ja on tegelikult kõige kauem tuntavad, st on päris tihti see, mis parfüümist alles jääb õhtu lõpuks.

Algnoodid: Jasmiin

Südamenoodid: Apelsiniõis

Põhinoodid: Valge merevaik

Yodeyma describes this perfume as following:
The richness of Jasmine, the energy of orange blossoms and magnetic amber create a mysterious combination for a sensual woman.
Oriental - Wood
Iris is a perfume, which exceeds extraordinary energy, for a woman with clean, refined taste.
Like with every other perfume, this one is also based on three main lines.
Topnotes are the ones, which come to play firstly in a perfume.
Heartnotes give the perfume spirit.
And basenotes give the perfume it´s depth and are recognized the longest. Basically what mostly is left by the end of the night.

Topnote: Jasmine

Heart note: Orange Blossom

Base note: White Amber

Valik nendest toodetest on saadaval RandRilu salongides ja ka veebipoes.

RandRiluBOX "THE COLORS OF LIGHT" tootekarbi tellijatel on võimalik seda toodet ka proovida, sest tootekarbis võib olla 1 Yodeyma parfüümi tester ;)

A selection of these perfumes are available in RandRilu salons and also on our online shop.
RandriluBOX "THE COLORS OF LIGHT" subscribers may have had the chance to sample this product, since we included a perfume sample in some of our spring boxes. 

Mis mulle testri puhul kõige enam meeldib, on asjaolu, et see on sprei, mitte tilluke klaasist ampullike, mida on keeruline lahti nokkida ja siis plastikust pulgaga endale peale kraapida. Just saying...

Seega, kõik sensuaalsed, kaunid naisterahvad... see parfüüm võiks teile väga hästi sobida :D
Oled proovinud neid parfüüme? Mis Sina arvad sarnastest, nn. dupe´idest?

One thing I like most about the perfume sample, is that it comes as a spray. Not in a tiny glass vessel You have to pry open and then apply the perfume with a plastic wand thingy... Just saying....
So, all sensual and beautiful women... this perfume might be just up Your alley :D
Have You tried these perfumes already? What did You think? What do You think about this type of dupes?

Selleks korraks kõik.

neljapäev, 14. aprill 2016

L´Oréal Professionnel Absolut Repair Lipidium


Tere tulemast RandRilu´sse!!

Ikka ja jälle kui juustest rääkida, siis kerkib üles teema juuste kahjustustest ja nende ravist.
Nagu salongi klientidelegi igapäevaselt räägime, siis tuleb kasutada erinevaid vahendeid, selleks et meie igapäevased juuste töötlemised (föönitamine, sirgendamine, lokitamine) ja ka lihtsad nn. mehaanilised kahjustamised (hõõrdumine riiete vastu, tuul, tirimine või keerutamine) ei teeks juustele liiga.
Ausõna see ei ole tingitud soovist inimesele pähe määrida tooteid, mida ta tegelikult ei vaja... :D
Põhjus on ikka rohkem selles, et inimene saakski omale sellised juuksed, millest ta on unistanud ja endale klantsajakirjadest soovib...
Ega paljud staaridki ei näe igapäevaelus sellised välja, nagu nad ajakirjades paistavad. Läheb vaja kogenud stiliste ja hulga häid tooteid, et saavutada selliseid tulemusi.
Niiet tasub turvavöö peale tõmmata ja valmistuda tõsiseks lugemiseks, kus jutt kindlasti läheb väga teadlaslikuks ära...aga loodetavasti on sellest abi, vastamaks nii mõnelegi küsimusele....
Paljud juuksehoolduse firmad pakuvad oma lahendusi ja erinevaid patenteeritud komplekse võimaliku lahendusena...
Täna tahaksin rääkida L´Oréal Professionnel ravisarjast Absolut Repair Lipidium, mille toodete eesmärk on ravida juukseid nii väljastpoolt kui ka sügavalt juuksetuumast.


Welcome back to RandRilu!!

Time and time again, when talking about hair, we come across the same subject: Damaged hair and treatments for them.
As we tell our clients in the salon: It is vital to use different products every time processing the hair, in order to ensure that those little everyday things (like blow-drying, straightening, curling) and simple so called mechanical damages (like hair rubbing against clothes, wind, pulling or twisting the hair) would not cause too much damage.
This is truely not just to sell something, that the person does not need. Our aim is that the person would get the desired "magazine cover" hair, they had wished for...
Hardly those covergirls look like that in real everyday life. It takes a team of stylists and a bunch of great products to get the look.
So fasten Your seatbelt and prepare for some serious reading, where things get quite scientific-ish... but hopefully it helps, answering some questions You might have thought about...
Many haircare companies offer their own solutions and different patented complexes as a possible solution...
Today, I would like to talk about the Absolut Repair Lipidium range from L´Oréal Professionnel. The range aims to repair damaged hair not just from the outer layers, but also deep inside the core of the hair.

Mis võib olla kahjustunud juuste põhjuseks?
Tekkiv juuste tundlikkus või kahjustus võib olla tingitud kahest asjaolust:
Esiteks võib väliste ärritajatega kokku puutudes juustes tekkida, sarnaselt nahaga, lipiidide vaegus. (siinkohal pean silmas viimistlusseadmete, nagu sirgendajad, lokitangid kasutamist; ebasobivad ilmastikuolud nagu liigne kuumus, liigne külm; ja ka keemiline töötlemine)
Teiseks võib lipiidide vaegus tuleneda juuste vanusest. (juukseotsad on ju vanemad kui juuksejuured ja on seeläbi kogenud-näinud igasugu aegu :D )
Mõlemal puhul on vastavalt kahjustuse astmele, vajalik  ravida juukseid erinevates kihtides ja ka erinevates osades (juuksejuur, keskosa ja otsad)

Mitmetes kihtides ja pikkuse osades ravi võib olla keerukas, kuid edu võti seisneb Lipiidide täpses igapäevases lisamises. Siinkohal tulevadki mängu nn. "arukad molekulid", ehk siis: tegemist on arukate osakestega, mis kinnituvad sinna kuhu on vaja, otsides juukses need kõige kahjustunumad kohad ja kinnitudes sinna. Ravi toimub läbi struktuurse koostise, kahes põhilises osas:
1.Sisestruktuuri taastamine väliskihist juuksetuumani: kinnitub LIPIDIUM, mis koosneb piimhappest, fütokeratiinist, keramiididest ja lipiididest.
2.Individualiseeritud taastamine kogu juuksepikkuses, milles sihttoimega polümeer mõjub juuksekarva kõige tundlikumates piirkondades, parandades terviklikkust.

What may be the cause of damaged hair?
The sensitivity or damage to hair may be caused by:
First of all, due to contact with outer elements (for example different styling appliances, like straighteners, curling irons, different climatic circumstances like heat, cold; and as well chemical treatments) the level of lipids in the hair may fall short. The same thing can happen to skin as well.
The second reason of shortage of the lipids in the hair may be caused by the age of the hair. (The ends of the hair are older than the new growth near the scalp. So the ends may have gone trhtough a lot :D )
In both these cases, it is necessary to treat the hair in its different layers and different lengths (the roots, mid-lenghts and ends), depending on the level of damage.

Treatment of the hair in its different lenghts and layers may be difficult, but the key to success lies in the excact daily distribution of lipids to the hair. Those so called "smart molecules" come to play here. In other words those are intelligent particles, that attache, where they are needed, finding the most damaged parts of the hair, and attaching themselves there. The treatment works trough structural composition, in two different parts:
1. Restoring the inner structure of the hair fibre from the outer layers until the core: LIPIDIUM, which consists of lactic acid, phyto-ceratin, ceramides and lipids attache themself to the hair fibre.
2. Individual restoration through the entire length of the hair, in which polymers affect the hair in its most sensitive areas, improving the wholeness of the hair.

Absolut Repair Lipidium taastav shampoon 250ml 11.50€
Puhastab ja säilitab juuksekiu terviklikkuse juurtest otsteni täpse valemi abil, mis mõjub juustele vastavalt nende taastamise vajadusele.

A shampoo to strengthen the feel of very damaged hair. The hair is cleansed and the shampoo leaves the hair looking smoother and silky without a weighed down feeling.

Absolut Repair Lipidium taastav mask 200ml 16.00€
Mask parandab kahjustatud juukseid, muutes need tugevamaks ja lihtsamini
käsitletavamaks. Tulemuseks on siledam ja pehmem juus, juurtest kuni otsteni.

The mask targets the areas where hair is damaged, leaving it feeling more resistant and easier to manage. Hair looks smoother and softer from root-to-tip, thanks to a resurfacing effect. Either replace your conditioner with this mask or use it occasionally for an extra nourishing feel.

Tooted on saadaval L´Oréal Professionnel salongides ja ka veebipoes.

RandRiluBOX "THE COLORS OF LIGHT" tootekarbi tellijatel on võimalik seda toodet ka proovida, sest tootekarbis võib olla 100ml shampoon koos 75ml maskiga ;)

Both of these products are available in L´Oréal Professionnel salons and in our online shop.
RandriluBOX "THE COLORS OF LIGHT" subscribers may have had the chance to sample this product, since a 100ml shampoo and 75ml mask were featured in the spring box.

On õnnestunud juba proovida? Anna kommentaarides teada oma kogemustest nende toodetega...

Have You already tried it? What were Your impressions? Be sure to let Us know in the comments...
That´s all for today.
Until next time!!

Selleks korraks kõik.

(feelin´ like a smartypants today...)

esmaspäev, 21. märts 2016

L´Oréal Professionnel Tecni.Art Dual Stylers


Tere tulemast RandRilu´sse!!

Täna tahaksin rääkida soenguvahenditest...
Sest tegelikult iga kaunis soeng algab õigest juukselõikusest ja õigetest viimistlusvahenditest, mis aitavad juustel jääda paigale meistri (olgu sees siis Sina ise või juuksur) käe all ja samuti sätituks jäädagi.
Pole ju midagi närvesöövamat olukorrast, kus oled kulutanud palju aega ja energiat, et sättida oma juuksed paika ja siis mõne aja pärast ei ole sellest mingitki märki enam alles....
Antud tooted, millest juttu tahan teha on tegelikult Eesti turul saadaval juba augustist 2014.
Kohe kui nad välja tulid, saavutasid nad ka suure populaarsuse... Vähemasti RandRilu salong Tallinn klientide seas... Kohe räägin ka miks see nii oli...
Tegemist on toodetega, milles teineteist täiendavad 2 koostist. Esimene on kreem, mis koosneb polümeeridest ja annab soengule  kuni 72 tundi püsivust, ning teine on geel, mis annab kuumakaitset kuni 230 kraadi eest ja hooldab juukseid intensiivselt soengu tegemise ajal.

Welcome back to RandRilu!

Today I would like to talk about some styling products...
Every good hairstyle starts with having the right haircut and right products, which help the hair to be managable under the stylists care (whether the stylist is You yourself, or a trained hairstylist) and stay put.
There´s nothing more nerve wrecking when You have spent a lot of time and effort in doing Your hair and after some time there is nothing left of the hairdo (read: masterpiece) ...
These products mentioned in this blog post, are actually on the market, here in Estonia, since august 2014. As soon as they launched, they beacame highly popular... Atleast among RandRilu salon Tallinn clients... I will get to why it was shortly...
These are products which consist of 2 different complimentary ingredients. The first one is a cream, consisting of polymers, and giving the hairstyle up to 72 hours of durability. The second is a gel formula, which gives heatprotection up to 230C degrees and  mantaines the hair during styling.

Kaks koostist on pandud ühe pakendi sisse, ehk siis tuubi sees on tuub :D  See teeb omakorda kasutamise palju lihtsamaks.
2 koostist segatakse kokku vahetult enne toote pealekandmist, mis võimaldab maksimaalselt säilitada mõlema koostise eeliseid.

Two ingredients have been put together in one package. There´s simply a tube, inside a tube :D
And that, my friends, makes using it very easy.
These two ingredients are mixed together directly before application, which helps to maintain the benefits of them both to a maximum.

Neid tooteid selles sarjas on kokku kolm, seega igaühele leiab midagi ;)
1. Liss & Pump-Up Väljendusrikas kohevus ja sametiselt sile juuste tekstuur. Koosneb kohevust andvast kreemist ja geelist, mis muudab juuksed sametiselt pehmeks ja kaitseb kuumuse kahjuliku mõju eest.
2. Bouncy & Tender Täiuslike kontuuridega lokid ja pehme juuste tekstuur. Koosneb lokke esile tõstvast kreemist, mis niisutab, silub ja annab juustele sära ja geelist, mis annab lokkidele elastsust ja kaitseb juukseid kuumuse kahjuliku mõju eest.
3. Sleek & Swing Kohevuse talitsemine ja loomulik liikuvus tõrksatele juustele. Koosneb siluvast kreemist, mis vähendab juuste kohevust ning kergendab nende kammimist ja soengusse seadmist ja geelist, mis tagab pikaajalise fikseerimise ja kaitseb juukseid kuumuse kahjuliku mõju eest.

There are three products in the Dual Stylers range. So something for everybody :)
1. Liss & Pump-Up Defined volume and silky smooth texture to the hair. Consists of a volumizing cream and gel, giving the hair softness and protecting the hair from heat damage.
2. Bouncy & Tender Perfectly contoured curls and soft texture to the hair. Consists of cream, contouring the curls, while moisturizing, smoothing and giving back shine to the hair and a gel formula, which gives elasticity to the curls serves protection from damage made by heat.
3. Sleek & Swing Perfect for achieving smooth, sleek looking hair but with a natural and fluid movement. The cream core gives anti-humidity protection from the look of frizz. While the gel works to add a light-reflecting shiny look, and movement back into the hair. If you love hair that looks like it is naturally sleek, but still full of movement. This is the styling product for you.

Igas tootes on märgata ka väikest sädelust, mis annab juustele juurde sära ja läiget. Populaarseks sai see toode kuna teda on ääretult lihtne kasutada. Tulemus jääb väga loomulik, ent samas viimistletud. Ja muidugi kuna toodet ei ole tugevalt tunda juustes peale kasutamist... Teate ju küll seda tunnet, kui oled soengu ära teinud ja tegelikult tahaks kiiresti pead pesema joosta, sest puhastest juustest ei ole midagi alles... on mingi kleepuv ja mitte hoidev mess.
Õnneks selle toote õrna koostisega nii ei lähe /kergenduseohe/
Dual Stylerid on saadaval L´Oréal Professionnel salongides ja peatselt ka veebipoes, hinnaga 24.50€ mis ei ole tegelikult palju nii universaalse toote eest.
Paljudel RandRiluBOX "THE COLORS OF LIGHT" tootekarbi tellijatel on võimalus seda toodet ka oma nahal... või pigem siis juustel... proovida!

In every one of those products there is also noticeable a slight shimmer, which gives the hair even more shine. A big reason for the popularity of these aroducts, was how easy they are to use. The end result is very natural, but at the same time polished. It is not detectable in the hair after use, meaning the hair stays clean... You know what I am talking about... sometimes after doing Your hair, the first thing You´d want to do is wash it again, because a product has made it into a sticky mess.
Fortunately this won´t happen, due to the gentle formula of the Dual Stylers. /sigh of relief/
The Dual Stylers are available at L´Oréal Professionnel salons and soon also in our online store. The price is aroud 24.50€, which, I think, is not much for such an universal product.
Many subscribers of our RandRiluBOX "THE COLORS OF LIGHT" subscription box can try this product and get the experience first hand.!

 Anna kommentaarides ka oma kogemustest teada...

Selleks korraks kõik.

Be sure to let Us know about You´re experiences with them in the comments...

That´s all for today.
Until next time!!
