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Täna teeme juttu Jõhvika meresoola kehakoorijast... tundub megahästi lõhnav hoolitsus kehale ning üleüldiselt põneva tootena?
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Today let´s talk about a nice smelling product for the body...Cranberry Body scrub with Seasalt to be exact. Sounds intriguing?
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A&A Spamarket Jõhvika Meresoola kehakoorija/ A&A Spamarket Cranberry Seasalt Body Scrub 180ml |
Sellise brändiga nagu A&A Spamarket puutusin esmakordselt kokku mõni aeg tagasi, otsides koorijaid ja massaažiküünlaid, millega saaks pakkuda käte- või jalahooldusi salongi klientidele. Selgus, et ei maksa kaugelt otsida, kuna RandRilu Viimsi salongi naaber, Lavendel SPA Ilukeskus kasutab ja ka pakub neid tooteid. Saigi siis võetud mõned küünlad ja koorijad...
Pean ära mainima, et tooted on tõesti head. Lõhn on nii isuäratav...tekitades sellise tunde et võiks ampsu võtta 😃
Meresoola peetakse sooladest inimorganismile kõige kasulikumaks. Näiteks toidusoola saamiseks eemaldatakse meresoolast tööstusliku rafineerimise käigus 82 mikroelementi ning olulised makrotoitained. Ükski toidulisand ei suuda mineraalide rohkuselt loodusliku meresoolaga võistelda. Mineraalide koostise ning bioelektrooniliste omaduste tõttu aitab meresool taastada organismi happe/aluse tasakaalu, leevendab allergiaid ning aitab jagu saada nahahaigustest. Meresool aitab vere hüübimisel, reguleerib hormonaalset taset, lõdvestab lihaseid, rahustab närvisüsteemi, on suurepärane vahend stressi maandamiseks ning laeb energiaga.
Samuti on meresoolal kasulik efekt ja ravivad omadused nahale, ta ei kuivata nahka, seetõttu kasutatakse aktiivselt seda SPA-des raviprotseduuridel. Meresool elustab nahka, aitab kiiremini ravida nahaärritusi ja kahjustusi.
Ideaalne vahend nahahoolduses on meresoola baasil kehakoorijad, mis sisaldavad kõiki merevee kasulikke ja ravivaid omadusi. Hõõrudes nahka enne duši alla minekut või saunas leiliruumis istudes meresoola kehakoorijaga, kiireneb naha vereringe, sool tõmbab vedeliku naha alt rasvkudede vahelt välja. Väljuvad jääkained, taandub tselluliit, naharakud uuenevad. Peale meresoolaga koorimist loputatakse kergelt dušiga meresoola jäägid kehalt ja ei kasutata seepi!
Spamarketi tootevalikus on hetkel 11 erineva lõhnaga looduslikku kehakoorijat. Iga koorija sisaldab rohkelt nahka toitvaid ja niisutavaid võideid ning õlisid. Lõhna ja värvi saavad erinevad kehakoorijad vastavast looduslikust ekstraktist.
Erinevatel koorijatel on peale aroomiteraapia ka pisut erinev toime organismile.
Jõhvika koorija sisaldab hulgaliselt C-vitamiini ja antioksüdante, mistõttu ta omab nahka noorendavat toimet. Koorija sisaldab meresoola, kakaovõid, mandliõli, jojobaõli, kastoorõli, hüdrogeenitud palmiõli, võiseemnikuõli, aroomiõli ja aroomiekstrakti...
Nüüd siis minu kogemuse juurde selle tootega... Kes on rohkem meie blogi postitusi nahahoolduse kohta lugenud, see teab, et olen veidi kimpus kuiva nahaga. See probleem on juba mõnda aega üleval, kuid päris nii hull ei ole, et hakata vitamiine võtma või, jumal hoidku selle eest, toitumisega tegelema...Mida ma tegelikult olen pisitasa hakanud tegema. Samuti vahetasin välja mõned oma pesuvahendid ja nahahooldustooted. Sellest on olnud palju abi... Andke teada kui teema huvitab, ning sellest võiks teha eraldi blogi postituse.
Lohistasin siis oma vana krokodilli naha vanni ja tegin ühe koduse kehahoolduse. Kuna kodus on väike vahva sõjard, kellele meeldib aegajalt tüli kiskuda, siis tahtsin olla kindel, et temaga mängimisest tekkinud haavad on paranenud... sool + kassi kriimustused...OUCH!
Kanna koorija enne dušši alla minekut niiskete kätega kuivale nahale. Hõõru hoolega üle kogu keha, seejärel loputa duššiga meresoola jäägid . Ära kasuta seepi, nahk jääb lõhnav, toidetud, sile ja ei vaja eraldi kreemitamist.
I came across the brand A&A Spamarket for the first time a while ago, when I was looking for scrubs and massage candles for the salon. We wanted to offer different Treatments for the hands and feet to our clients. As it turned out, there was no need to look far. Our neighbour in Viimsi, Lavendel SPA Beauty Center uses and sells these products. So we took some Scrubs and Candles to test out...
I have to say that the smell of them was so delicious... It was hard to resist and not have a taste... 😄
Seasalt is considered the most benefitial of all salts for the human organism. For example to produce daily Tablesalt, 82 different micro elements and macro nutrients are being removed from seasalt through a refining process. No other food suppliment can compete with organic Seasalt in the amount of minerals. The ingredients of minerals and bioelectrical properties help to balance the bodies natural PH (acidity/ alkaline balance), alleviate allergies and help to defete different skin conditions. Seasalt also helps with blood clotting, regulates hormonal level, relaxes muscles, calmes the nervous system and is a powerful tool for relieving stress levels and boosting energy.
Seasalt also has healing properties for the skin. It does not dry out the skin, which makes it is very actively used in SPA Treatments. Seasalt revives the skin, helping to treat irritations and damage.
The perfect product for skin Treatments is a Seasalt body scrub, which contains all the benefitial and treatring properties the Sea has to offer. By rubbing the skin with a seasalt scrub before the shower or in the sauna, it increases the bloodflow, the salt pulls out moisture from inside the fat layer to the outer layers of the skin. Therefore helping to extract excess Residues, decreasing cellulite and improving Skin cells renewal. After the scrub a slight rinse with the shower is recommended to remove the excess Salt. And no soap!
Spamarket has at the moment 11 different scented natural Seasalt scrubs in the selection. Each of them contains a lot of nourishing and moisturizing butters and oils. All of them get their scent and colour from the according natural extract.
Different scrubs have besides aromatherapy a slightly different effect on the body.
The Cranberry Body Scrub contains a great deal of C Vitamin and antioxydants, therefore it rejuvenates the skin. The scrub also contains seasalt, cocoa butter, almond oil, jojoba oil, castor oil, hydrogenated palm oil, shea butter, aroma oil and aroma extract.
And now onto my experience with this product... Those of You who have followed our blog for a longer period of time, might know already that I have been struggling with very dry skin for a while. But it has not been too bad that one would take Vitamins or heaven forbit... change the diet (SMURK)
Actually I have to be brutally ohnest I have been doing that now...along with changing some of my shower products aswell....and it helps! Let me know if You would be interested in a seperate blog post about that.
So I dragged my old crocodile skin to the bath, and made a at home Treatment. Since I have a lovely little warrior at home, who likes to have a fight every now and then, I wanted to make sure I have no little scratches from playing with him... salt + scratches from the cat = OUCH!
Before the shower, I rubbed the scrub with wet hands on dry skin. There is no need to be too harsh, a gentle rub all over the body is perfect. After that a light shower to remove the salt. There is no need for a shower gel or soap after that. The skin is left feeling very soft, nourished, moisturized and it smells nice, even without a body lotion.
A&A Spamarket Jõhvika Meresoola kehakoorija on saadaval lisaks randrilubox.com veebipoele veel Viimsis Lavendel SPAs, Viimsi Mahemarketis, Sadama Turul, Pärnus Estonia SPAs, Tartus Abella Ilusalongis, Koerus Loomepalmiku kingikaupluses.
180ml topsiku hind varieerub, olles kuni 9.00€. Toodetud Lätis. Ei sisalda parabeene ja konservante.
RandRiluBOX tootekarbi tellijatel on võimalus see toode omal nahal ära proovida 50ml suuruses koguses :)
Anna ka oma kogemustest nende toodetega kommentaarides teada...
A&A Spamarket Cranberry Body Scub is available in Lavendel SPA Viimsi, Viimsi Mahemarket, Sadama Turg, Estonia SPA in Pärnu, Abella Beauty Salon in Tartu, Loomepalmiku Gift Shop in Koeru and also at randrilubox.com
The price for the 180 ml jar Varies, being around 9.00 €. It is produced in Latvia and contains no Parabens and Preservatives.
RandRiluBOX subscribers have the chance to test this product out in a travel size of 50 ml! :)
Let me know how You liked it in the comments...
Selleks korraks kõik.
That´s all for today.
Until next time!
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