reede, 3. aprill 2020

Kevadine hooajaline juuksekaotus


Tere Tulemast tagasi RandRilu´sse!
Täna teeme juttu miks langeb meil talvel/kevadel juukseid rohkem kui tavaliselt välja langeb.
Toredat lugemist ning juhul, kui tekib küsimusi, mis meil antud postituses veel vastamata, siis anna sellest kindlasti kommentaarides märku 😉 


Juuksekaotus võib olla hirmutav... Eriti kui see tuleb järsku. Kui paned tähele, et oled kaotamas rohkem juukseid kui tavaliselt ning pole midagi enda dieedis või elustiilis muutnud võib asi olla hooajalises juuksekaotuses.

Ära muretse see tundub hullem, kui on. Ning tavaliselt see on ainult ajutine.

Viskame pilgu peale erinevatele juukse kaotustele, kaasaarvatud kevadine juuksekaotus, ning miks see juhtub.


Tavaline juuksekaotus ja hooajaline juuksekaotus.

Nagu juba teada siis kõikide juuksed vahetuvad. Meestel, naistel, noortel, vandel - kõigil. Ning enamusajast on see tavaline nähtus, tänu juuksekasvu faasile.

Tavaliselt kaotab inimene 100 karva päevas. Sada karva võib tunduda märkimisväärne summa, kuid see on enamasti märkamatu. Miks? Kuna igal ajahetkel on 90% Teie juustest kasvufaasis, samal ajal 6-8% on puhkefaasis ja olekus mil langeb välja. Kuna kaotame ainult 100 karva päevas, kasvab neile asemele palju rohkem.


-Anageen on juuksekasvu aktiivne faas.
Juukse folliikulis toodetakse hulgaliselt keratiini rakke, ning see on tunduvalt kiirem, kui keha teistes piirkondades. Anageenis toimub juuste kasvamine (90%). Faas kestab õldjuhul 3-5 aastat, mõnikord ka pikemalt. Keskmine juuksekarva kasv on 1,25cm kuus. Karvade kasv kogu keha piirkonnas varieerub piirkonniti ja vastavalt eale ning soole. Juuste kasv on kõige kiirem 15-30 eluaasta vahel ja aeglustub pärast viiekümnendat eluaastat.

-Katageen ehk vahefaas kestab umbes 10-15 päeva.
Selles faasis tõmbub folliikuli kanal kokku ja eemaldub juukse näsast, juuksesibul kaob ja kokku tõmbunud juukse juure lõpp on ,,ümara nuia´´ kujuline.
Tavaliselt on selles faasis üheaegselt vähem, kui 1% juustest.

-Telogeen ehk puhkefaas kestab keskmiselt 100 päeva.
Selles faasis juuksed, kas kukuvad välja või tõugatakse kohalt uute, kasvamist alustanud juuste poolt.
Tavaliselt on selles faasis üheaegselt umbes 10% juustest.


Hooajalisel juuksekaotusel on aga teine seletus...

Teadlaste sõnul on juuksed peanaha kaitsmiseks liigse päikese eest. Ajal mil päike on vähem intensiivne, pole juustel vaja peanahka kaitsta, ning külmemal ajal on tüüpiline märgata rohkem juuste väljalangemist.


Kas kaotad kõige rohkem juukseid kevadel?

Kaks kõige tavalisemat hooajalist juuste väljalangemise aega on suve lõpus (juuli, august) ja talve lõpus (detsember, jaanuar). See talvine juuste väljalangemine on märkimisväärsem ja võib mõnikord jätkuda kevadkuudes, eriti kui elada külmemas kliimas.

Kui teil on kevadine juukse väljalangemine, siis teadke, et see on tõenäoliselt tavalise suvejärgse juuste väljalangemise kõrvalprodukt. Kui ilmad lähevad soojemaks ja päike läheb intensiivsemaks, langeb juukseid vähem ja lähevad enda normaalsesse olekusse tagasi.


Kas on võimalik kuidagi hooajalist väljalangemist aeglustada?

Kui oled kindel, et see on hooajaline väljalangemine ei ole sul vaja teha midagi teha. Kuid on paar näpunäidet, mis võib kaasa aidata.

4 moodust, mis võib sind aidata.

  • Kanna juukeid lahti.
Välja langeda tahavad tavliselt ainult need karvad, mis on selleks loomulikult valmis. Juuste kandmine tugevas hobusesabas või punutistes võib kahjustada hapraid ja ajada sassi su tervete juustega. See võib suurendada terveid karvu, põhjustades veelgi suurema väljalangemise võimaluse.
  • Väldi tugevaid viimistlusvahendeid.
Teine võimalus hoida juuksed terved ja karvad eraldi on vältida kleepuvate viimistlusvahendite kasutamist. Need vahud ja juuksegeelid, mida väga armastate võivad Teie karvadele liigset stressi tekitada.See ei ole asi, millest peate pikaajaliselt loobuma, kuid toodete vähendamine tagab, et väljalangemiseks valmis karvad ei haaraks terveid kaasa.
  • Jääge oma režiimi juurde.
Kuna juuste väljalangemise on suurenemine pole kunagi lõbus, siis tuleb hoolitseda selle üle, et ei tasu üle reageerida. Olge oma juuste suhtes leebemad.Jooge vett ja sööge toitu, mis sisaldavad vajalikke juuste kasvu toitaineid, näiteks valku, biotiini, rauda ning A-, C- ja E-vitamiini. Nüüd oleks aeg vaadata juuksevitamiinide poole, kui soovid olla kindel, et juuksed saaks kõik vajalikud toitained kätte.
  • Proovi meie Kevin.Murphy tihendavat sarja.
Tipptasemel ripsmehooldus-tehnoloogiast inspireeritud ingveri- ja nõgeseekstraktidega tooted tugevdavad ja tihendavad õhukesi ja hapraid juukseid.

Rohkem infot SIIN


Pidage meeles, et hooajaline juuste väljalangemine on normaalne. Talvekuudel on väljalangemine silmapaistvam, kuigi kõigi juuksed reageerivad erinevalt. Mõni ei näe enda juustes mingit muutust, ning teistel võib kevadine juukse väljalangemine enesetunnet tõsiselt mõjutada.
Kui Te pole selles täiesti kindel , rääkige oma murest arsti või juuksuriga. Enam kui tõenäoline, et see on vaid ajutine olukord. Kui Teie juuksed tugevalt väljalangevad võib põhjus olla milleski muus. Hooajaline väljalangemine toimub üle pea ja ei peatu ühes kindlas kohas, kuid kui teile tundub, et tegu on siiski juba karvavabade kohtadega pealael, on probleem milleski muus.


Life is short. You might as well live it with really great hair.

Karolin ❤

KEVIN.MURPHY thickening series


Welcome back to RandRilu!
Today we are talking about KEVIN.MURPHY thickening products, that will help your hair get stronger and thicker.
Happy reading and do let us know in the comments if you have any questions or you would love to share your experience. 😉

Kevin.Murphy thickening series helps strengthen and tighten fine hair thanks to advanced lash extension technology and luxurious blend of  Hemsleya root and oleanolic acid with ginger root and nettle extracts.


Plump up in all the right places, and take your hair to a whole new level of volume and thickness with PLUMPING.WASH. Created to nourish every strand from root to tip, fine and ageing hair will transform into stronger, fuller-looking locks with renewed strength and vitality.



Apply to wet hair and massage gently through the hair and scalp. Rinse. Repeat if needed. Follow with PLUMPING.RINSE. Can be used daily, and as part of our THICKENING regimen.


- Thickens without weighing down the hair.
- Stimulates circulation in the scalp while nourishing the hair follicles.
- Helps to maintain the integrity of your hair's health.
- Creates volume, while delivering softness and shine.
- Ideal for all hair types, especially fine and ageing hair.
- Sulphate, paraben and cruelty-free.


Extracts of ginger root and nettle help to strengthen and densify fine hair, leaving the scalp feeling revitalized and refreshed.

Known for it's strengthening properties, and rich with antioxidants, lovely hemsleya root helps fortify the roots and fight follicle ageing.

Aloe vera leaf extract - Packed with essential vitamins and minerals, this natural conditioning agent helps to restore sheen, lustre and shine.

Rice protein & rice amino acids are rich in vital nutrients essential for hair repair. Rice amino acid helps condition, strengthen and expand the diameter of the hair shaft. Also helps the hair appear thicker and adds an overall more luxurious, silky sheen.

Packed with an abundance of antioxidant and vitamin goodness, bamboo extract is also rich source of mineral nourishment and a key ingredient to help protect the integrity of hair health.

Richly conditioning and moisturising, silk amino acids helps to improve hydration and draw in moisture for hair that appears more flexible, manageable and softer.

Acai berry extract, known for it's anti-ageing benefits, is an antioxidant packed ''super-fruit'' with essential vitamins to add luminous shine.



Treat fine, thin or ageing hair to a lavish level of conditioning goodness with PLUMPING.RINSE. Our luxurious rinse delivers essential nourishment to help restore thickness, and boost volume, while imparting sublime shine and silky-soft texture.



Apply to freshly washed hair and allow the hair to absorb the benefits for 1-2 minutes, follow with a refreshing rinse. Can be used daily and as part of our THICKENING regimen. For optimal plumping results use after washing with PLUMPING.WASH and finish with BODY.MASS


- Packed with essential ingredients to help hydrate the hair.
- Helps protect and strengthen hair from root to tip.
- Hair feels thicker, with added volume and bounce.
- Delivers for all hair types, especially fine and ageing hair.
- Sulphate, paraben and cruelty-free.

Rice amino acids help condition, strengthen and expand the diameter of the hair shaft to help hair feel thicker, with and overall more luxurious silky sheen.

Shea butter delivers moisture to dry or damaged hair from root to tip and helps repair and protect against environmental stressors, dryness and brittleness. Quickly absorbing, this naturally-good-for-you butter helps rehydrate the hair and scalp without clogging the cuticles.

Aloe vera leaf extract - Packed with essential vitamins and minerals, this natural conditioning agent helps to restore sheen, lustre and shine.

Extracts of ginger root and nettle help to strengthen and densify fine hair, leaving scalp feeling revitalized and refreshed.

Acai berry extract, known for it's anti-ageing benefits, is an antioxidant packed ''super-fruit'' with essential vitamins to add luminous shine.



As the name implies...this is BODY in a bottle. Created using eyelash thickening and lengthening technology, BODY.MASS helps strengthen the hair, while imparting a fullness and thickness that gives you beautiful body and bounce. Richly formulated with oleanolic acid, our leave-in plumping treatment helps fortify and strengthen at the roots to help prevent hair ageing.

Want to read about spring seasonal hair loss, here is our last blog:



Prep hair with PLUMPING.WASH and RINSE, from our THICKENING regiment and towel dry. Spray BODY.MASS evenly throughout damp or towel dried hair, concentrating on the roots and scalp. Do not rinse, dry and style as usual.


- Helps to strengthen and fortify hair from root to tip.
- Boosts thickness for increased body and bounce.
- Helps increase microcirculation to the scalp.
- Offers heat protection up to 420°F / 216°C
- Ideal for all hair types, especially fine, ageing and thinning hair.
- Sulphate, paraben and cruelty-free.


Known for it's strengthening properties and rich antioxidants, oleanolic acid from lovely hemsleya root helps fortify the roots and fights follicle ageing.

Adansonia digitata (baobab) fruit extract a ''superfood'' from Africa packed with nutritional goodness, helps repair damaged hair, increases hair strength and moisturises dry hair to create greater manageability and all-over softness.

A native plant from the island of Corsica, Helichrysum italicum (Immortelle) extract is renowned for it's anti-ageing benefits. Alongside it's beneficial soothing properties, it also helps to strengthen and repair the hair.

Naturally derived from whole wheat, Hydrolysed wheat protein improves body, boosts shine and leaves hair feeling deeply nourished and conditioned.

Eurerpe oleracea (acai) fruit extract known for it's many anti-ageing benefits, is an antioxidant packed ''super-fruit'' with essential vitamins, that helps promote healthy hair growth while adding shine.


CUSTOMER'S FEEDBACK (used for 6.months)

1) Are there any changes with the hair?
- Now when I start to think about it, hair feels a bit voluminous and a bit fuller.
2) Does the hair stay clean longer?
- Compared to my regular shampoos it stays clean longer.
3) Do products last longer?
- Frankly, I've never thought of looking that before. But shampoo has much more foam and you don't need as much as regular shampoo.
4) Do you have anything else to add?
- Products smell nice. Since I have short hair, most of the time my shampoo runs out before conditioner, but I think if you have longer hair you would have the opposite problem.



I've worked with women of all ages, with all hair types and by far the most emotionally devastating 'hair' issue I've seen is hair loss/thinning. I decided to create a product that would add volume plus help to densify and strengthen the hair. Using scientifically proven eyelash plumping technology, we created BODY.MASS, the final step in our THICKENING regimen. Used alongside PLUMPING.WASH and RINSE and as part of our THICKENING regimen, our leave-in plumping treatment will create plumper, thicker-looking hair. You'll notice instant cosmetic thickening and over time you'll see a noticeable difference in hair quality - Try it for 14 days, and the results will speak for themselves.


Spring seasonal hair loss blog: 

Life is short. You might as well live it with really great hair.

Karolin ❤

Spring seasonal hair loss


Welcome back to RandRilu!
Today we are talking about why our hair falls out more in winter/spring and how to prevent that from happening.
Happy reading and do let us know in the comments if there are any questions we haven't yet covered in this post 😉


Hair loss of any kind can be frightening... especially when it comes out of nowhere. If you're starting to see a few extra hairs in the sink and nothing in your diet or lifestyle has changed, you may be experiencing seasonal hair loss.

Don't worry. It sounds worse than it is, and in most cases, it's only temporary.

Let's take a look at the different kinds on hair loss, including seasonal hair shedding in spring, and why it happens in the first place.


Normal hair loss vs. Seasonal hair loss

As you might already know, everyone's hair sheds. Men, women, young, old - everyone. And for the most part, it's completely normal, thanks to the hair growth cycle.

Usually we lose about 100 strands of hair a day. A hundred may seem like a significant amount , but it's mostly undetectable. Why? As at any given time  90% of your hair is in the growth phase, while 6-8% is in dormant phase and in state of fall. As we lose 100 strands a day most of our hair is growing back at the same time.


-Anagen (hair growth) phase.
The anagen of growing phase is the first part of the hair growth cycle. During the anagen phase cells of the bulb divide rapidly, resulting in new hair growth. 80% - 90% of hair follicules are in the anagen phase at any given time.
Anagen phase lasts somewhere between 3-5 years. The length of the anagen phase determines the maximum hair length. For example, people who have very long hair have a very long anagen phase. Eyelashes, eyebrows and body hair have shorter growth phases than for the hair on your head, which is why they are much shorter. There are many factors that influence the length of the anagen phase, including genetics, nutrition, age and overall health.

- Catagen (transition) phase.
After the hair growth phase starts the catagen phase. This short, transitional phase only lasts to three weeks. During the catagen phase, the hair stops growing and detaches itself from the blood supply.

-Telogen (resting) phase.
The telogen phase, or resting phase follows the catagen phase. During the telogen phase hair rests while a new hair begins to grow beneath it. This new hair will eventually take place of the fallen out hair. The telogen phase lasts for three months, and 10-15% of all hair is in this phase at the time.

-Telogen (Exogen) (Hair shedding) phase.
The exogen, or hair shedding phase is the last phase of the hair cycle. During the exogen phase the resting hair detaches and falls out. Every hair eventually sheds, and it's completely normal to lose 50 to 100 strands each day.
In fact, the exogen phase is why you'll frequently see hair in your shower drain or on your hair brush. You should only be concerned if there's a sudden change and many more hair falls out than usual.
After the exogen phase, the follicle then returns to the anagen phase and the cycle repeats.


Seasonal shedding has a different explanation...

According to scientists, hair's role is to cover the scalp and protect it from the harsh rays of the sun. When the sun is less intense, there isn't as much of a need for hair to protect the scalp. So, when the weather is cooler, it's common for women to see more shedding.


Do you lose more hair in the spring?

The two most common times for seasonal hair loss are late summer (July and August) and late winter (December and January). This winter hair loss is more significant and can sometimes continue into the spring months, especially if you live in a colder climate.

If you're expecting spring hair loss, know that it's more likely a byproduct of a normal post-summer shedding. As the weather gets warmer and the sun becomes more intense, your hair will shed less and work its way back into a normal growth cycle.


How to slow down seasonal hair loss?

If  you're sure it's seasonal hair loss, you don't want (or need) to do anything too major. That being said, it can't hurt to make a few tweaks in your day-to-day routine to minimize the shedding.

Here are 4 ways to slow down seasonal hair loss.

  • Leave your hair loose
You only want to lose hair that are naturally ready to shed. Styling your hair in tight ponytails and braids can damage fragile hair and tangle your loose hair with healthy ones. This can increase the chances of damaging otherwise healthy hair, causing even more hair to fall out.

  • Avoid heavy styling products
Another way to keep the loose hair and healthy hair separate is to avoid any sticky styling products. Those mousses and hair gels that you love so much could be causing undue stress on your hair follicles.
It's not something you have to give up long-term, but scaling back on the product will make sure that hair strands ready to fall out don't get other healthy hair involved.

  • Stick to your regimen
Seeing more of your hair fall out is never fun, but take care not to overreact. Be gentle with your hair when you can, but just make sure that all your other bases are covered.
Stay hydrated, and keep eating foods that have the hair growth nutrients you need like protein, biotin, iron and vitamin A, C and E. It could be a good time to look into a hair growth vitamin if you want to be sure that your hair is getting all the nutrients it needs to grow.

  • Try our Kevin.Murphy plumping series
Plump up in all the right places, and take your hair to a whole new level of volume and thickness with PLUMPING.WASH and PLUMPING.RINSE. Created to nourish every strand from root to tip, fine and ageing hair will transform into stronger, fuller-looking locks with renewed strength and vitality.

More info HERE


Remember that seasonal hair loss is normal. Shedding will normally be more prominent during winter months, but everyone's hair reacts differently. Some women will see no difference in their hair, and for others seasonal hair shedding in spring can really affect your appearance.
If you're ever unsure, talk to your doctor or hairdresser to ease your concerns. More than likely, it's just a temporary situation that will pass as long as you stick with your regimen. If your hair is severely thinning, it could be something else. Just make sure you're open and willing to take control!


Life is short. You might as well live it with really great hair.

Karolin ❤

KEVIN.MURPHY tihendav sari


Tere Tulemast tagasi RandRilu´sse!
Täna teeme juttu ühest KEVIN.MURPHY sarjast, mis aitab muuta õhukesed juuksed tihedamaks, tugevamaks ja paksemaks.
Toredat lugemist ning juhul, kui tekib küsimusi, mis meil antud postituses veel vastamata või sooviksid jagada meiega enda kogemust, siis anna sellest kindlasti kommentaarides märku 😉  

Kevin.Murphy thickening sari aitab tugevdada ja tihendada õhukesi või peenikesi juukseid tänu kõrgtehnoloogilistele ripsmete pikendamiseks kasutatavale tehnoloogiale ning luksuslikule Radix hemsleyae ja oleanoolhappe segule, millele on lisatud ingverijuure- ja nõgeseekstraktid.



Lisage lopsakust just sinna, kuhu vaja ja saavutage hoopis uus juuskevolüümi tase PLUMPING.WASH'iga. Šampoon on välja töötatud, toitmaks iga juuksekarva juurest otsani ning õhukesed ja vananevad juuksed muutuvad uuest jõust ja energiast pakatavateks, tugevamateks, täidlasemateks kiharateks.



Kandke märgadele juustele ning masseerige õrnalt juustesse ja peanahale.


- Muudab juuksed tihedamaks neid raskeks  muutmata.
- Soodustab peanaha vereringet, toites samal ajal juuksefolliikuleid.
- Aitab hoida juuste tervist.
- Tekitab volüümi, tehes samal ajal juuksed pehmeks ja läikivaks.
- Sobib ideaalselt kõikidele juuksetüüpidele, eriti õhukestele ja vananevatele juustele.
- Sulfaadi-, parabeeni-, ja julmusevaba.


Ingverijuure- ja nõgeseekstraktid aitavad juukseid tugevdada ja tihedamaks muuta ning peanahk saab uut elujõudu ja värskendust.

Tugevdavate omaduste poolest tuntud antioksüdandirikas Radix hemsleyae aitab tugevdada juuksejuuri ja võitleb folliikulite vananemise vastu.

Aaloe leheekstrakt kui asendatatuid vitamiine ja mineraale täis looduslik hooldusaine aitab taastada käike, sära ja hiilguse.

Riisivalk ja riisi aminohapped sisaldavad rohkesti ülitähtsaid toitaineid, mis on juuste parandamises hädavajalikud. Riisi aminohapped aitavad hooldada, tugevdada ja laiendada juuksetüve diameetrit. Samuti näivad juuksed paksemad ning üleüldiselt luksuslikumalt ja siidjamalt läikivad.

Antioksüdantne ja vitamiine tulvil bambuseekstrakt on ka mineraalaineterikastoiteallikas ning juuksetervisele võtmetähendusega koostisaine.

Rikkalikult taastava ja niisutava toimega siidi aminohapped tõhustavad niisutatust ja imendavad niiskust juustesse, muutes need paindlikumaks, hallavamaks ja pehmemaks.

Vananemisvastaste omaduste poolest tuntud akaimarjaekstrakt on saadud antioksüdandirikkast asendamatuid vitamiine sisaldavast ,,superpuuviljast'', mis lisab säravat läiget.




Hellitage õhukesi, peenikesi või vananevaid juukseid PLUMPING.RINSE küllusliku palsamhoolitsusega. Meie luksuslik RINSE pakub juustele hädavajalikku niisutust, mida on vaja juuste paksuse taastamiseks ja volüümi saavutamiseks, andes tulemuseks samas ka taevaliku läike ja siidpehme tekstuuri.



Kandke pestud juustele ning laske mõjuda 1-2 minutit, seejärel loputage. Sobib igapäevaseks kasutamiseks ning kasutamiseks osana meie THICKENING/PAKSENDA sarjast. Parima tulemuse saavutamiseks kasutage pärast PLUMPING. WASH’iga pesemist ning viimaseks kasutage BODY.MASS’i. 


- Tulvil juukseid niisutavaid asendamatuid koostisaineid.
- Aitab juukseid kaitsta ja tugevdada juurtest otsteni. 
- Juuksed tunduvad paksemad, lisandub volüümi ja elastsust.
- Annab intensiivse läike ja siidja pehmuse.
- Sobib ideaalselt kõikidele juuksetüüpidele, eriti õhukestele ja vananevatele juustele.
- Sulfaadi-, parabeeni-, ja julmustevaba.


Riisi aminohapped aitavad hooldada, tugevdada ja laiendada juuksetüve diameetrit, et juuksed tunduksid paksemad ning üleüldiselt luksuslikumalt ja siidjamalt läikivad. 

Sheavõi niisutab kuivi või kahjustatud juukseid juurtest otsteni ning aitab juuste ilu taastada, pakkudes kaitset keskkonnastressorite, kuivuse ja rabeduse eest. See kiirestiimbuv looduslikult kasulik või aitab juukseid ja peanahka taasniisutada kutiikuleid ummistamata. 

Aaloe leheekstrakt kui asendamatuid vitamiine ja mineraale täis looduslik hooldusaine aitab taastada läike, sära ja hiilguse.

Ingverijuure- ja nõgeseekstraktid aitavad juukseid tugevdada ja tihedamaks muuta ning peanahk saab uut elujõudu ja värskendust. 

Vananemisvastaste omaduste poolest tuntud akaimarjaekstrakt on saadud antioksüdandirikkast, asendamatuid vitamiine sisaldavast „superpuuviljast“, mis lisab säravat läiget. 

Antioksüdante ja vitamiine tulvil bambusekstrakt on ka mineraalaineterikas toiteallikas ning juuksetervisele võtmetähendusega koostisaine. Lisab juustele loomuliku välimusega läiget ja sära. 

Suhkruroog on looduslik alfahüdroksüülhape (AHA), mis aitab peanahka koorida ja eemaldada surnud naha, õlijäägid ja mustuse. Kui poorid ja folliikulid on puhastatud ja ummistused eemaldatud, siis kasvavad uued juuksed kergemini ning üliolulised toitained imenduvad paremini, et folliikulit stimuleerida ja toitainetega toetada.




Nagu nime järgi arvata võib,… on tegu pudelisse pandud KOHEVUSEGA. Ripsmete tihendamiseks ja pikendamiseks kasutatava tehnoloogia põhjal loodud BODY.MASS aitab juukseid tugevdada, muutes need täidlaseks ja paksuks, kaunilt kohevaks ja elastseks. Meie juustessejäetava lopsakust lisava ravihoolduse rikkalikus koostises leidub oleanoolhapet, mis aitab juuksejuurt tugevdada ja toita, et ennetada juuste vananemist. 

Tahad lugeda juuste välja langemise kohta, mine loe meie blogi postitust: 



Valmistage juuksed ette meie THICKENING
sarja PLUMPING. WASH’i ja PLUMPING.RINSE’iga ning kuivatage rätikuga. Pihustage BODY.MASS ühtlaselt niisketele või rätikuga kuivatatud juustele, pöörates tähelepanu eriti juuksejuurtele ja peanahale. Ärge loputage; kuivatage ja seadke soengusse nagu tavaliselt.


- Aitab juukseid kaitsta ja tugevdada juurtest otsteni.
- Juuksed on tihedamad, volüümikad ja elastsemad.
- Aitab parandada peanaha mikrovereringet.
- Annab kuumakaitse temperatuuril kuni 420°F / 216°C.
- Sobib ideaalselt kõikidele juuksetüüpidele, eriti õhukestele, vananevatele ja peeneks muutuvatele juustele.
- Sulfaadi-, parabeeni-, ja julmustevaba


Tugevdavate omaduste poolest tuntud antioksüdandirikas Radix hemsleyae’st pärinev oleanoolhape aitab tugevdada juuksejuuri ning võitleb folliikulite vananemise vastu.

Toitvat head-paremat täis Aafrikast pärit „supertoit“ Adansonia digitata (ahvileivapuu) puuviljaekstrakt aitab taastada kahjustatud juukseid, niisutab ja muudab juuksed tugevamaks. Tulemuseks lihtsamini käsitletavad ja pehmed juuksed.

Korsika saare põlistaime Helichrysum italicum (käokuld) ekstrakt on tuntud oma vananemisvastaste omaduste poolest. Lisaks kasulikele rahustavatele omadustele aitab ekstrakt ka juukseid tugevdada ja taastada.

Looduslikul teel täisterast saadud hüdrolüüsitud nisuvalk annab kohevust ja läiget. Toidab ja ravib juukseid.

Oma mitmete vananemisvastaste omaduste poolest tuntud Euterpe oleracea (akai) puuviljaekstrakt on hädavajalikke vitamiine sisaldav, antioksüdante tulvil „supertoit“, mis aitab toetada tervet juuksekasvu, samas läiget lisades.


KLIENDI TAGASISIDE (kasutanud 6.kuud)

1) Kas on juustes näha mingeid muutuseid?
 - Nüüd kui mõtlema hakata on juuksed natuke kohevamad ja tihedamad küll.
2) Kas juuksed püsivad kauem puhtana?
 - Tavalise šampooniga võrreldes püsib kauem puhtana küll.
3) Kas tooted kestavad kauem?
 - Ausalt öeldes ei ole enne osanud sellele mõeldagi. Aga šampoon vahutab hästi ja palju pole vaja kasutadagi.
4) Kas on midagi lisada?
 - Lõhnad on meeldivad. Kuna mul lühikesed juuksed siis enamuse ajast saab enne šampoon otsa, kui palsam.



PLUMPING.WASH, PLUMPING.RINSE ja BODY.MASS kolmik on hädavajalik kõigile, kellel on õhukesed, peenikesed või vanevad juuksed. Koos kasutatuna aitavad nad juustel välja paista vapustavalt kohevatena ning lisaks mõjuvad juustele juuste tervist säilitavad koostisained. Toodetes in külluslikult heatoimelisi antioksüdante, superpuuvilju ja hädavajalikke aminohappeid ning lisaks on need kolm toodet meie THICKENING sarja olulised osad - tegu on võimsate toodetega, mis turgutavad õhukesi ja/või vananevaid juukseid.


Life is short. You might as well live it with really great hair.

Karolin ❤

neljapäev, 2. aprill 2020


Hei! Welcome back to RandRilu!

Today we are talking about one of my favorite products by Kevin.Murphy for thin and fragile hair, that needs a bit more volume.

KEVIN.MURPHY VOLUME gives volume to thin and fragile hair and makes them look fuller thanks to mixture of calming lavender, lotos flower and bamboo extract. Mango and cocoa butter nourishes hair without making them heavy. 


If your over-stressed hair is in need of a little salvation, our delicate ANGEL.WASH
volumising shampoo will nourish and transform fine, fragile hair that has been colour-treated or damaged. Infused with soothing essential oils, vitamins, proteins and antioxidants, ANGEL.WASH gently cleanses the scalp and hair while maximising colour longevity, and protecting against harmful free radicals.



Apply product to wet hair and massage gently through the hair and scalp.


-Antioxidant-rich blend boosts volume to fine hair 
-Helps strengthen and protect against stressor
-Helps to reduce hair breakage
-Helps prevent colour fade 
-Colour safe and gentle enough for all hair types 
-Sulphate, paraben and cruelty-free


A popular ingredient in skincare, Hydrolysed Oat Protein adds fullness and body, without adding weight to the hair.

Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract (Green Tea) has been revered for centuries for its powerful antioxidant properties. Helps to increase the feel of hair’s elasticity and aids moisture retention.
Full of antioxidant goodness and bursting with vitamins, Citrus Recticulata (Tangerine) Peel Oil not only helps protect against environmental stressors, its delightful scent helps stimulate the senses too. This hardworking essential oil also helps to create intense shine. 

Lavendula Angustifolia (Lavender) Extract is one of nature’s gentlest scents, known for its calming and soothing properties.  


Treat fine, fragile and broken hair with ANGEL.RINSE, our weightless, volumising conditioning
RINSE created to soothe and protect fine, damaged and colour-treated hair. Delicately scented and deeply conditioning, Mango and Cocoa Butters help nourish and moisturise the hair without weighing it down.


Apply to freshly washed hair and allow the hair to absorb the benefits for 1-2 minutes, follow with a refreshing rinse. For optimal results, use after washing with ANGEL.WASH and as part of our volume regimen.


-Adds moisture without weighing down the hair 
-Antioxidant-rich formula helps shield against free radicals 
-Helps strengthen and protect against stressors
-Colour-safe and gentle enough for all hair types 
-Sulphate, paraben and cruelty-free


Naturally derived from whole wheat, Hydrolysed Wheat Protein improves body, and boosts shine, leaving hair feeling deeply nourished and conditioned without weighing it down.

Used for thousands of years as a health tonic, Angelica Archangelica Root Extract is full of nutrients that help to condition and hydrate the hair and scalp.

Renowned for its restorative properties, Mangifera Indica (Mango) Seed Butter helps restore and maintain the natural moisture balance of the hair.

Rich in Vitamin E and essential minerals, Theobroma Cacao (Cocoa) Seed Butter gently soothes the scalp and can improve hair’s elasticity and suppleness. 


My own experience:

I have used this product line the most in my practice, because estonian hairtype is usually thin and most of my clientele have colored hair, thats why these prodicts are perfect to use.
Clients often are saying that the favorite part of using this shampoo and conditioner is the aroma, as i named the ingredient above, you can get the idea how these products smell.
You dont have to use a big amount of this shampoo, because it spreads and gets foamy easily on your head. Same goes for the conditioner. A lot of you have probably experienced the feeling when the conditioner is not making your hair smooth nor silky, and it feels like its useless. Me myself have gone through a lot of wrong products to find the right ones. After i started using angel.wash and angel.rinse i knew right away that these are the shampoo and conditioner for me, especially when i noticed that my hair does not get dirty (greasy) that fast anymore. My clients also are saying that angel.rinse is making their hair sooo smooth, even the clients that have eather dry or curly hair.

I hope that this post will give you a good overview what kind of products angel.wash and angel.rinse are. And to avoid the fact that this shampoo or conditioner might not be the right ones for you, you can always buy a small (travel size) bottles, to try it out. 

If you are interested or would like to try this product line, you can always contact us via email or call us and we can deliver products to you.

Til then stay healthy and be patient!
See you all soon!

""Invest in your hair, it is the crown you never take off"

Janette ♥