kolmapäev, 18. mai 2022

The importance of trimming split ends


Welcome back to RandRilu!
Today we are talking about why do you need to take care of your split ends.
Happy reading and do let us know in the comments if you have any questions about something that we haven't yet covered in this post. 😊


Do you find your hair looking dull and lifeless when it once used to look luscious and bouncy? Can you fell the moisture slowly seeping of your tresses? Well, then chances are that you are starting to get split ends. Not only do split ends rob your hair of their shine, but they also hinder your hair growth. Before talking about the importance of trimming split ends, let's find out what causes split ends in the first place. Here's what you need to know!


What are split ends? What causes them?

Before we get into what causes them, let's answer a more important question-what are split ends? Strands of your hair begin to develop split ends when the hair cuticle (outer protective sheath) gets damaged and begins to wear off. This leads to the delicate inner layer of your hair getting exposed and weakened or dehydrated, which in turn causes split ends.

You can see from the picture what split ends look like.

Unfortunately, there are a ton of factors that could be contributing to your split ends. While you could blame some of it on the harsh environment that you subject you hair to every time you step out of the house, you also need to take a long, hard look at how you yourself are treating (or rather, mistreating) your hair. So, here are a few of the most common factors that lead to split ends...

  • Detangling your hair aggressively when it is dry
  • Detangling your hair when it is wet
  • Sun damage caused by stepping out in the sun without covering your hair
  • Using heat styling tools like straightening irons, curling wands and blow dryers excessively
  • Not trimming your hair regularly
  • Washing your hair daily
  • Undergoing chemical treatments like hair color, relaxers and perms
  • Using too many styling products like gels, mousses, waxes, hair sprays, etc.
  • Sleeping on rough or cheap quality pillowcases.
  • Unhealthy diet and not getting enough proteins, minerals and vitamins

Instead of wondering how to cut off split ends, start with baby steps: trimming your split ends.


Why so you need to trim split ends?

Besides making your hair look dull, damaged and lifeless there are a ton of reasons why letting your split ends persist and leaving them untreated is a bad idea. Here are some things you need to be aware of:

  • Split ends don't go away on their own: Split ends don't just magically fuse back together when you start conditioning or taking care of your hair. In fact, the longer you put off trimming them, the more each end splits into 2 or 3 ''feathers.'' This, in turn, seriously hinders your hair growth.
  • Uneven pigmentation: The color of split ends is usually a bit lighter than your natural hair color. This can make your hair color look discolored and uneven
  • Robs your hair of it's shine: Split ends rob your hair of it's lively glow and make it look brittle, dull and lifeless. No amount of conditioning, hair masks and spa treatments can restore the shine back in your hair unless you trim off the split ends.

Ways to prevent split ends.

Yes, split ends can wreak havoc on the health and appearance of your hair. But, lucky for you, there are a ton of things that you can do to prevent them from forming in the first place. Here are a few tips and tricks that you can try out: 
  1. Trim your hair regularly: Your hair goes through some wear and tear every time you wash and comb it - this causes split ends. So, how often should you trim your hair? It's best that you get your hair trimmed every 2-3 months.
  2. Oil your hair before you wash it: We all know that oiling your hair can nourish and moisturize it from within. But another way this helps your hair is by forming a protective sheath around it to reduce the damage caused when combing, we all know that it's recommended to comb before you take a shower because it prevents getting knots.
  3. Reduce use of heat styling tools: Regularly using heat styling tools like blow dryers, flat irons and curling wands robs your hair of it's moisture and leaves it dry, brittle and susceptible to split ends. So, avoid using them as much as you can, and when you do use them, make sure you apply a heat protection to your hair first.
  4. Don't wash your hair every day and avoid using hot water: Doing either or both of these things can strip your hair of it's natural oils and dehydrate and weaken it.
  5. Dry your hair gently: Vigorously rubbing your wet hair with a towel can cause intense damage and split ends. Instead, wrap your hair in a microfiber towel until it has absorbed all the excess water and let it air dry the rest of the way.
  6. Apply a leave-in conditioner: Leave-in conditioners make your hair more manageable and easier to detangle, thus reducing the risk of split ends. So, apply a leave-in conditioner (or a bit of natural oil) after you step out of the shower.
  7. Use a wide-toothed comb: Use a wide-toothed comb and work your way up from the ends towards your scalp to prevent further knotting, breakage and split ends.
  8. Wear a hat/scarf while stepping out: Leaving your hair exposed to the hot sun or cold winds can make it brittle and more prone to split ends. So, make sure you put on a hat or wrap a scarf around your head to protect your hair while making a cool fashion statement.
  9. Deep condition regularly: It's important that you deep condition your hair every 2 weeks to restore moisture into your hair and nourish it from within.
  10. Use soft hair ties: Rubber hair ties or ones that have a metal clasp in the middle tend to break your hair and ultimately lead to split ends. So, use soft hair ties that are gentle on your hair.
  11. Oil your hair before swimming: Swimming regularly in harsh chlorine-infused water can cause untold damage to your hair. So, apply a protective layer of hair oil all over your hair and put on a swim cap before you jump into the pool.
  12. Eat balanced diet and drink lots of water: Eating a balanced diet full of proteins, vitamins and minerals and keeping your body well hydrated is essential for maintaining the health of your hair.

My little secret is that I use almost everyday a small dollop of oil on my blonde ends. I usually sleep with my hair up, that prevents my hair from getting tangled of in my way when I sleep. Evenings I usually lather my hair with oil and will braid myself a loose fishtail braid and go to bed. It doesn't have to be fishtail braid, every braid will do, even a lose bun will help you with getting less tangles. You don't need perfect hairstyle when you are sleeping, so don't worry if your braid doesn't look line 100% what you would like to. And as a bonus, you will have fun waves for the next couple of days! 😊


Life is short. You might as well live it with really great hair.


Miks on vajalik katkiste otste lõikus?


Tere Tulemast tagasi RandRilu´sse!
Täna teeme juttu miks on vajalik regulaarne juukseotsa lõikus.
Toredat lugemist ning juhul, kui tekib küsimusi, mis meil antud postituses veel vastamata, siis anna sellest kindlasti kommentaarides märku 😉 


Kas Teile tundub, et te juuksed näevad tuhmid ja elutud välja? Kas tunnete, et juuksed ei hoia enam niiskust ja paar päeva pärast juuste pesu tunnete, et teie otsad on juba kuivad? Siis võite kindel olla, et teil on juukseotsad katki ja vajavad lõikust. Lõhenenud juukseotsad mitte ainult ei muuda teie juukseid tuhmiks vaid ka takistavad Teie juuksekasvu. Enne kui räägime, miks on oluline enda katkised otsad ära lõigata uurime välja millest katkised otsad üldse tekivad.


Mis on lõhenenud juukseotsad? Millest tekivad katkised otsad?

Juuksekarval hakkavad tekkima lõhenenud otsad, kui juukse kutiikul (välimine kaitsekest) saab kahjustada ja hakkab kuluma. See toob välja Teie juuste õrnema sisemise kihi, mis seejärel saab kahjustada, hakkab kuivama ning viib katkiste otsteni.

Pildil on näha katkised juukseotsad.

Kahjuks on palju põhjuseid, mis võib Teid viia lõhenenud juusteni. Osa põhjusest võib oleneda Teie kliimast, kuid samuti on suureks teguriks see kuidas Teie oma juukseid kohtlete või õigemini väärkohtlete. Siin on mõned kõige tavalisemad tegurid, mis viivad katkiste juusteni...

  • Kammite enda juukseid liiga karmilt, kuivalt/märjana.
  • Päikese kahjustus.
  • Föönitad, sirgendad ja kasutad juustes lokitange tihedalt.
  • Ei piira juukseid regulaarselt.
  • Ei niisuta juukseid regulaarselt.
  • Pesed juukseid iga päev.
  • Keemilised töötlused, juuste värvimine, keemiline sirgendamine/lokk.
  • Liigsed viimistlusvahendid, vahud, geelid, vahad, lakid.
  • Odavad juukseharjad/kammid. Sünteetilised kammid/harjad. Odavad viimistlusvahendid.
  • Karmist riidest või odav padjapüür.
  • Ebatervislik dieet, vähe proteiini, vitamiine ja mineraale.
Selleasemel, et muretseda kuidas saada lahti lõhenenud juustest, alusta vaikselt. Lõika ära katkised otsad.


Miks on vajalik katkiste otste lõikus?

Lisaks sellele, et Teie juuksed näevad välja tuhmid, katkised ja elutud on palju põhjuseid miks katkised otsad tuleb ära lõigata.

  • Katkised otsad ei kao ise kuskile: Katkised/lõhenenud juuksed ei parane ime väel, kui teed juuksemaske. Mida kauem jätad katkised/lõhenenud juuksed lõikamata, seda rohkem need lõhenevad ja murduvad. See takistab tõsiselt Teie juuksekasvu.
  • Ebaühtlane juuksevärv/pigment: Katkistel/lõhenenud otstel on tavaliselt värv heledam, see võib jätta teie juuksevärvi laiguliseks ja ebaühtlaseks.
  • Juuksed ei läigi: Katkised/lõhenenud juuksed röövivad juustelt läike. Jätavad mulje, et need on haprad ja katkised. Ükski mask, hooldus ei päästa katkist juust ning ei anna neile sära tagasi.


Kuidas ennetada katkisi juukseotsi?

Jah, katkised juukseotsad röövivad su juustelt palju, kuid on palju nippe kuidas seda ennetada. Siin on paar kiiret nippi:

  • Lõika otsi regulaarselt: Juuksed saavad kannatada iga kord, kui neid pesta ja kammida; päikesekäes olles; käies basseinis/meres ujumas; keskonna mõjude tõttu ja paljugi veel. Nii et kui tihti peaksid Sa enda juukseotsi lõikama? Kõige parem oleks seda teha kuskil iga 2-3 kuu tagant.
  • Õlita ja kammi enda juukseid enne pesu: Me kõik teame, et juukseõli aitab juukseid niisutada ja silendada, kuid samuti teeb lihtsamaks kammimise. Kammida tuleks enne pesu just sellepärast, et pestes ei šampoonitaks endale sõlmesid ja puntraid pähe.
  • Vähenda juuste kuumtöötlust: Iga päevane juuste kuumtöötlemine röövib juustest niiskuse, jättes juuksed kuivaks , õrnaks ja toob endaga kaasa katkised otsad. Nii et proovi seda vältida nii palju kui võimalik, ning kui Sa neid kasutad siis enneta kuivust kuumakaitse kasutusega.
  • Ära pese enda juukseid igapäevaselt ja väldi kuuma vee kasutust: Tehes kasvõi ühte nendest tegevustest kaotad enda juuste loomulikud õlid ning kuivatad juukseid.
  • Kuivata enda juukseid rahulikult: Kuivatades enda juukseid karmilt rätikuga hõõrudes rikub juukse pealmist kihti ning tekitab katkiseid juukseid. Selle asemel hoia rätikut peas kuni rätik on imanud juustest enamus niiskuse ning lase siis juustel õhu käes kuivada.
  • Kasuta pähejäetavat palsamit: Pähejäetavad palsamid teevad juuksed pehmemaks ning paremini kammitavaks, ennetades sellega katkisi juukseotsi. Teinekord peale pesu kanna juustesse pähejäetav palsam või juukseõli.
  • Kasuta laiapiiga kammi: Kasuta laia piiga kammi, kammides otstest ülespoole, aitab paremini sõlmedest lahti saada ning ei kisu nii karmilt kui tihedapiiga kammid.
  • Kanna välja minnes mütsi, salli: Niiskete juustega külma kätte astudes rikud enda juukseid nii seest kui väljast, samuti päikese käes. Järgmine kord oota kuni juuksed on kuivad või kanna mütsi või salli, et kaitsta oma juukseid.
  • Kasuta regulaarselt maski: On oluline teha maski iga 2.nädala tagant, et juuksed saaksid lisa niisutust ja sisemist hooldust.
  • Kasuta pehmeid juuksekumme: Peenikesed ja karmid patsikummid(koos metalliga) lõhuvad juukeid, ning murravad neid pikaajaliselt. Kasutades pehmeid patsikumme on risk väiksem.
  • Enne ujumist õlita juukseid: Ujudes regulaarselt kloorivees või merevees kuivatab juukseid meeletult. Kanna enne ujumist juustele juukseõli, see käitub nagu kaitsekiht ja aitab vähendada juuste kuivatamist. Kõige parem oleks kasutada ujumismütsi.
  • Süües tervislikult ja juues vett: Süües vajalikke toitaineid ja vitamiine ja hoides enda keha hüdratiseeritud on oluline juuste heaks terviseks.

Minu väike nipp mida ma kasutan peaaegu igapäevaselt enda blondidel juustel. Magan enamusajast juuksed kinni, vähendab juustes sõlmesid ja aitab neid magamise ajal näost eemal hoida. Õhtul niisutan enda juuksed mõõdukalt õliga üle (ei kanna peanahale või selle lähedale), punun endale õrna kalasaba ja lähen magama. Igasugune punupats või õrn krunn päästab sind hommikul karmist kammimisest ning aitab ennetada juustes sõlmesid. Magades ei pea olema perfektne soeng, nii et ära vaeva pead kui punupats ei näe välja 100% selline nagu soovid. Lisaks on järgmiseks päevaks vallatu lokk olemas! 😊


Life is short. You might as well live it with really great hair.

Karolin ❤

esmaspäev, 1. veebruar 2021

OLAPLEX - Repair, protect & strengthen hair

Welcome back to RandRilu blog!
Today we are talking about OLAPLEX, what does it do, and why do you need to have them in your possession.
Sit back, relax and enjoy reading. If you have any questions, don't forget to ask. 😊

Today OLAPLEX is one of the largest independent hair care brands in the world with over 100 worldwide patents. Through a grassroots approach, the brand quickly became a global sensation, paving the way for a complitely new category of haircare called ''bond-building.'' Known as the ''invention,'' the Bis-Aminopropyl Diglycol Dimaleate ingredient allowed professionals to reach new heights in color & care. Hair wasn't just healthier; it took on a completely different quality - blondes were brighter, brunettes more radiant, and redheads more vibrant. 

Our hair contains millions of disulfide bonds. These bonds give the hair it's structure, strength and stability. When disulfide bonds are broken, it results in damage. OLAPLEX restores damaged and compromised hair by repairing from the inside out with our patented single ingredient, Bis-Aminopropyl Diglycol Dimaleate. Once all the bonds are intact and in alignment, you have healthy, beautiful, shiny, touchable hair.

OlAPLEX No.1 and No.2 are for professional use only.

OLAPLEX No.3, No.4, No.5, No.6, No.7 are made for home use.


OLAPLEX No.0 Intencive Bond Building Treatment

About: Primes hair to absorb nourishment for maximum repair. A professional-inspired treatment that primes hair for deeper repair with the highest dose of patented OLAPLEX technology in any take-home product. It rebuilds hair bonds, strengthens and protects hair integrity. Use as the first step in a two-part system with No.3 Hair Perfector.

Application: Apply to dry hair, fully saturating each section. Wait 10 minutes. Don't rinse! Apply No.3 Perfector. Let it sit 10+ minutes. For best results wash your hair with OLAPLEX No.4 and No.5. No.0 bottle should last 3-6 applications, based on your length and density.

Scientifically proven: 68% more repair & 3x stronger hair when used as two-part system in just one use.


OLAPLEX No.3 Hair Perfector

About: The product that made OLAPLEX famous! Our global best-seller is an at-home treatment, not a conditioner, that reduces breakage and visibly strengthens hair, improving it's look and feel. It will restore your hair's healthy appearance and texture by repairing damage and protecting hair structure. PH Balance 3,5-5

Application: Dampen hair and apply on towel dry hair. Apply generous amount from scalp to ends until hair is thoroughly saturated. Leave on for a minimum of 10 minutes. Longer if desired. Rinse from hair, shampoo and condition as usual.


OLAPLEX No.4 Bond Maintenance Shampoo

About: A highly-nourishing and reparative shampoo. No.4 shampoo repairs and protects hair from everyday stresses - including damaged hair, split ends, and frizz - by re-linking broken bonds. Leaves hair easier to manage, shinier and healthier with each use. No.4 is color-safe and proven to reduce breakage and strengthen all types of hair. PH Balance 6-6.5

Application: Concentrate on roots. Use every time you shampoo or after rinsing OLAPLEX No.3 Hair Perfector from hair. Lather. Rinse. Follow with OLAPLEX No.5 Bond Maintenance Conditioner.


OLAPLEX No.5 Bond Maintenance Conditioner

About: A highly-moisturizing, reparative conditioner for all hair types. Leaves hair easier to manage, shinier and healthier with each use. Protects and repairs damaged hair, split ends, and frizz by re-linking broken bonds. It is color-safe and will strengthen and leave your hair stronger than ever. PH balance 4.0-5.0

Application: Apply, focus on ends and distribute evenly. Leave on 3 minutes, then rinse.


OLAPLEX No.6 Bond Smoother

About: A highly concentrated leave-in smoothing cream. No.6 strengthens, moisturizes and speeds up blow-dry times. Excellent for all hair types, including colored and chemically treated hair, and eliminates frizz and flyaways for up to 72 hours. PH Balance 4.0-5.0

Application: Apply a very small amount to damp or dry hair, concentrating product from mid-length to the ends. Comb through and style as desired.

Tip: Apply at night for amazing next day hair. Best to use with OLAPLEX No.7, mix them together in your balm, and lather to your hair. 


OLAPLEX No.7 Bonding Oil

About: A highly-concentrated, weightless reparative styling oil. Dramatically increases shine, softness and color vibrancy. No.7 minimizes flyaways and frizz, while providing UV/heat protection of up to 450F/232C.

Application: Turn the bottle upside down and gently tap to dispense a metered drop. Apply a small amount to damp or dry hair, style as desired. Re-apply lightly before re-styling or dry hair, between washes. 

Tip: Best results using with OLAPLEX No.6. Mix them together in your balm, and lather to your hair.


Great tip: Do you want to be blonde? It would be super good for your hair if you did your home care with No.0 and No.3 just a week before your hair appointment. This helps to prepare the hair for more extreme color treatments. Prevents hair beakage and hair absorbs color more evenly!


Client's feedback: 

  • It visibly repairs hair, including damaged ends. My hair is so smooth and soft.
  • It smells so good!
  • I can use the shampoo and conditioner for so long! I can use them for months.
  • No.6 and No.7 together is just super! After use brush just glides through the hair.
  • No.6 just takes the frizz away and my hair just dries quicker.

My favourite products:

My absolute favourite OLAPLEX product is No.3 for a long time now. Since I have always been someone who can't just sit still, at hairdressers I just feel so useless, like I could do so much with that time. That's why I bought myself OLAPLEX No.0 and No.3 and now when I use them I can just do other things at the same time. And I cant forget OLAPLEX No.6 and No.7! They smell so good and they last so long! For my long hair I only use small bead size from both, use them in wet and dry hair. My hair is shiny and silky smooth and I don't have to worry about getting my hair damaged with color treatments, and I can enjoy my blonde hair. 


Life is short. You might as well live it with really great hair.

Karolin ❤

OLAPLEX - Parandab, kaitseb ja tugevdab juukseid

Tere tulemast tagasi RandRilu blogisse!
Täna räägime olaplexi toodetest, mis need teevad ning, miks oleks super kui need endal kodus olemas oleks.
Toredat lugemist, ning kui tekib küsimusi ära karda küsida. 


OLAPLEX on esimene rahvusvaheliselt tunnustatud professionaalne juuksehooldustoode, mis võimaldab kaitsta juukseid erinevatel keemilistel protseduuridel tekkivate kahjustuste eest. OLAPLEX sisaldab patenteeritud toimeainet, mis aitab taastada ja luua termilise, mehaanilise ja keemilise töötlemise käigus katkeda võivad soola- ja disulfiidväävlisidemeid juuste südames e. korteksis. Lisaks tõhusale juukse seespidisele taastavale ja kaitsevale toimele omab toode ka kohest hooldavat ja tugevdavat toimet juukse väliskihil ehk soomuskihil ning pikendab värvi püsivust. OLAPLEX on erakordne abivahend vältimaks juuste kahjustusi keemilise töötlemise ajal ning äärmiselt tõhus eraldiseisva taastava ja tugevdava hooldusprotseduurina juba rikutud juustele.

OLAPLEX No.1 ja No.2 on ainult professionaalseks kasutamiseks salongis.

OLAPLEX No.0, No.3, No.4, No.5, No.6 ja No.7 on mõeldud koduseks kasutamiseks, et täiustada ja pikendada professionaalse hoolduse tulemust.


OLAPLEX NO.0 Intensive bond building hair treatment

Mis see on: Salongihooldusest inspireeritud OLAPLEXi toimeainet sisaldav koduhooldus, mis parandab, tugevdab ning kaitseb juukses olevaid disulfiidisidemeid. Kasutage No.0 esimese sammuna kaheastmelises süsteemis koos No.3 Hair Perfectoriga. Tulemuseks 68% rohkem parandatud ja 3x tugevamad juuksed juba ühekordsel kasutamisel.

Kuidas kasutada: Kandke kuivadele juustele No.0, laske mõjuda 10 minutit. Ära loputa! Kandke juustele No.3 Perfector, vajadusel kammige. Laske mõjuda koos minimaalselt 10 minutit. Parima tulemuse saavutamiseks kasutage OLAPLEX No.4 šampooni ja No.5 palsamit.

Teaduslikult tõestatud: Juuksed on peale kasutamist 68% tugevamad ja tervemad, kui kasutada No.0 ja No.3 koos, juba pärast esimest kasutamist!


OLAPLEX No.3 Hair Perfector juuksehooldus

Mis see on: OLAPLEX No.3 Hair Perfector on parim roode koduseks juuksehoolduseks. See ei ole palsam ega mask, see on ainulaadne juukseid taastav vahend. Lihtsustatult öeldes teeb see toode juuksed tugevamaks, taastab katkised ja nõrgenenud juuksesidemed ning annab juustele tagasi nende naturaalse terveks olemise. PH skaala 3.5-5.

Kuidas kasutada: Kanda 1-2x nädalas piisav kogus toodet juustest otsteni rätikukuivadesse juustesse, kammida läbi ja jätta see toimima 10 minutiks või kauemaks. Mida kauemaks vahend juustesse jäetakse, seda tõhusamalt see mõjub. Seejärel loputada ja kasutada oma tavapäraseid hooldusvahendeid (šampoon ja palsamit). 


OLAPLEX No.4 Bond Maintenance šampoon

Mis see on: OLAPLEX Bond Buiding molekuli sisaldav šampoon, mis taastab ja tugevdab juukseid seespidiselt, aitab säilitada vajalikku niiskuse taset juustes, lisab juustele läiget ning muudab need kergesti käsitletavaks. Sobib kõikidele juuksetüüpidele. PH skaala 6-6.5.

Kuidas kasutada:
Soovitatavalt kasutada koos OLAPLEX No.3 hooldusega. Pärast OLAPLEX No.3 koduhoolduse juustest välja loputamist pesta juukseid OLAPLEX No.4 šampooniga ja parima lõpptulemuse saavutamiseks viimistleda OLAPLEX No.5 palsamiga. See osa OLAPLEX 3-4-5 juukseid hooldavast ja taastavast süsteemist. 


OLAPLEX No.5 Bond Maintenance palsam

Mis see on: Juukseid taastav, parandav ja niisutav palsam, mis ei muuda juukseid raskeks. Kõrvaldab juustesse tekkinud kahjustused, vähendab kahusust, silub ning lisab juurde läiget. Sobib kõikidele juuksetüüpidele. PH skaala 4.0-5.0

Kuidas kasutada: Soovitatavalt igal pesukorral. Kasutada pärast OLAPLEX No.4 šampooni. Kanda sõltuvalt juukse pikkusele vajalik kogus palsamit juurtest otsteni. Hoida peas vähemalt 3 minutit ja loputada. See on osa OLAPLEX 3-4-5 juukseid hooldavast ja taastavast süsteemist.


OLAPLEX No.6 Smoother juuksekreem

Mis see on: OLAPLEX No.6 on juukseid taastava OLAPLEX molekuliga rikastatud siluv juuksekreem, mis pehmendab, niisutab ja tugevdab juukseid ning kiirendab juuste kuivamise aeg. Juuksed on kahuvabad kuni 72 tunniks. PH skaala 4.0-5.0

Kuidas kasutada: Kanda väike kogus tooder juuste pikkusesse, kammida läbi. Võib kasutad nii niisketel kui kuivadel juustel.


OLAPLEX No.7 Bonding Oil

Mis see on: Kõrgelt kontsentreeritud imekerge taastav viimistlusõli. Suurendab oluliselt sära, pehmust ja kaitseb värvi tuhmumise eest. Vähendab juuste lendlevust ja kahu. Kaitseb kuni 230 kraadi kuumuse eest.

Kuidas kasutada: Doseerida väike kogus õli, kanda see niisketele või kuivadele juustele.

Ideaalne kasutamiseks koos OLAPLEX No.6! Sega tooted käes ühtseks seguks, kanna juustele. Lisaks kaitsele annab viimistleva efekti!


Super soovitus: On soov muuta enda juuksevärvi heledamaks? Super hea pai sinu juustele oleks, kui vähemalt nädal enne värvimist teeksid endale koduhoolduse No.0 ja No.3. See aitab su juuksed ette valmistada karmimaks töötluseks. Hoiab ära juuste katkemise ja juus võtab värvi vastu ühtlasemalt!


Klientide tagasiside:
  • Šampooni ja palsamit kulub ime vähe, ühest pudelist saab mitu kuud.
  • Super hea lõhnaga!
  • Juuksed on alati peale kasutamist super hästi niisutatud ja pehmed.
  • No.6 ja No.7 kooslus on super! Peale kasutamist on nii lihtne kammida!
  • No.6 on lihtsalt super, võtab mu naturaalse kahu ära ja juuksed kuivavad tõesti kiiremini.

Minu lemmiktooted:

Minu üks kõige lemmikumaid on olnud juba pikka aega No.3. Kuna olen alati olnud selline, kes ühes kohas kaua ei istu siis juuksuri toolis tunnen end alati kuidagi kinniselt, et selle ajaga saaks ju midagi head kodus ette võtta, ning nüüd ma siis olengi enda juuksehooldusega koju kolinud. Panen endale No.0 ja siis No.3 pähe ja lasen sellel lausa mitu tundi peas olla, samal ajal ise kodus ringi toimetades. SUPER! Ei suuda veel ära kiita No.6 ja No.7! Nii hea lõhnaga ja neid läheb nii vähe! Minu pikkadele juustele läheb väike herneterake mõlemast, kasutan nii niisketesse juustesse, kui ka No.7 kuivades juustes. Mu juuksed on säravad ja terved ja ei pea muretsema, et blondeerides neid kuidagi kahjustaksin.


Life is short. You might as well live it with really great hair.

Karolin ❤

reede, 3. aprill 2020

Kevadine hooajaline juuksekaotus


Tere Tulemast tagasi RandRilu´sse!
Täna teeme juttu miks langeb meil talvel/kevadel juukseid rohkem kui tavaliselt välja langeb.
Toredat lugemist ning juhul, kui tekib küsimusi, mis meil antud postituses veel vastamata, siis anna sellest kindlasti kommentaarides märku 😉 


Juuksekaotus võib olla hirmutav... Eriti kui see tuleb järsku. Kui paned tähele, et oled kaotamas rohkem juukseid kui tavaliselt ning pole midagi enda dieedis või elustiilis muutnud võib asi olla hooajalises juuksekaotuses.

Ära muretse see tundub hullem, kui on. Ning tavaliselt see on ainult ajutine.

Viskame pilgu peale erinevatele juukse kaotustele, kaasaarvatud kevadine juuksekaotus, ning miks see juhtub.


Tavaline juuksekaotus ja hooajaline juuksekaotus.

Nagu juba teada siis kõikide juuksed vahetuvad. Meestel, naistel, noortel, vandel - kõigil. Ning enamusajast on see tavaline nähtus, tänu juuksekasvu faasile.

Tavaliselt kaotab inimene 100 karva päevas. Sada karva võib tunduda märkimisväärne summa, kuid see on enamasti märkamatu. Miks? Kuna igal ajahetkel on 90% Teie juustest kasvufaasis, samal ajal 6-8% on puhkefaasis ja olekus mil langeb välja. Kuna kaotame ainult 100 karva päevas, kasvab neile asemele palju rohkem.


-Anageen on juuksekasvu aktiivne faas.
Juukse folliikulis toodetakse hulgaliselt keratiini rakke, ning see on tunduvalt kiirem, kui keha teistes piirkondades. Anageenis toimub juuste kasvamine (90%). Faas kestab õldjuhul 3-5 aastat, mõnikord ka pikemalt. Keskmine juuksekarva kasv on 1,25cm kuus. Karvade kasv kogu keha piirkonnas varieerub piirkonniti ja vastavalt eale ning soole. Juuste kasv on kõige kiirem 15-30 eluaasta vahel ja aeglustub pärast viiekümnendat eluaastat.

-Katageen ehk vahefaas kestab umbes 10-15 päeva.
Selles faasis tõmbub folliikuli kanal kokku ja eemaldub juukse näsast, juuksesibul kaob ja kokku tõmbunud juukse juure lõpp on ,,ümara nuia´´ kujuline.
Tavaliselt on selles faasis üheaegselt vähem, kui 1% juustest.

-Telogeen ehk puhkefaas kestab keskmiselt 100 päeva.
Selles faasis juuksed, kas kukuvad välja või tõugatakse kohalt uute, kasvamist alustanud juuste poolt.
Tavaliselt on selles faasis üheaegselt umbes 10% juustest.


Hooajalisel juuksekaotusel on aga teine seletus...

Teadlaste sõnul on juuksed peanaha kaitsmiseks liigse päikese eest. Ajal mil päike on vähem intensiivne, pole juustel vaja peanahka kaitsta, ning külmemal ajal on tüüpiline märgata rohkem juuste väljalangemist.


Kas kaotad kõige rohkem juukseid kevadel?

Kaks kõige tavalisemat hooajalist juuste väljalangemise aega on suve lõpus (juuli, august) ja talve lõpus (detsember, jaanuar). See talvine juuste väljalangemine on märkimisväärsem ja võib mõnikord jätkuda kevadkuudes, eriti kui elada külmemas kliimas.

Kui teil on kevadine juukse väljalangemine, siis teadke, et see on tõenäoliselt tavalise suvejärgse juuste väljalangemise kõrvalprodukt. Kui ilmad lähevad soojemaks ja päike läheb intensiivsemaks, langeb juukseid vähem ja lähevad enda normaalsesse olekusse tagasi.


Kas on võimalik kuidagi hooajalist väljalangemist aeglustada?

Kui oled kindel, et see on hooajaline väljalangemine ei ole sul vaja teha midagi teha. Kuid on paar näpunäidet, mis võib kaasa aidata.

4 moodust, mis võib sind aidata.

  • Kanna juukeid lahti.
Välja langeda tahavad tavliselt ainult need karvad, mis on selleks loomulikult valmis. Juuste kandmine tugevas hobusesabas või punutistes võib kahjustada hapraid ja ajada sassi su tervete juustega. See võib suurendada terveid karvu, põhjustades veelgi suurema väljalangemise võimaluse.
  • Väldi tugevaid viimistlusvahendeid.
Teine võimalus hoida juuksed terved ja karvad eraldi on vältida kleepuvate viimistlusvahendite kasutamist. Need vahud ja juuksegeelid, mida väga armastate võivad Teie karvadele liigset stressi tekitada.See ei ole asi, millest peate pikaajaliselt loobuma, kuid toodete vähendamine tagab, et väljalangemiseks valmis karvad ei haaraks terveid kaasa.
  • Jääge oma režiimi juurde.
Kuna juuste väljalangemise on suurenemine pole kunagi lõbus, siis tuleb hoolitseda selle üle, et ei tasu üle reageerida. Olge oma juuste suhtes leebemad.Jooge vett ja sööge toitu, mis sisaldavad vajalikke juuste kasvu toitaineid, näiteks valku, biotiini, rauda ning A-, C- ja E-vitamiini. Nüüd oleks aeg vaadata juuksevitamiinide poole, kui soovid olla kindel, et juuksed saaks kõik vajalikud toitained kätte.
  • Proovi meie Kevin.Murphy tihendavat sarja.
Tipptasemel ripsmehooldus-tehnoloogiast inspireeritud ingveri- ja nõgeseekstraktidega tooted tugevdavad ja tihendavad õhukesi ja hapraid juukseid.

Rohkem infot SIIN


Pidage meeles, et hooajaline juuste väljalangemine on normaalne. Talvekuudel on väljalangemine silmapaistvam, kuigi kõigi juuksed reageerivad erinevalt. Mõni ei näe enda juustes mingit muutust, ning teistel võib kevadine juukse väljalangemine enesetunnet tõsiselt mõjutada.
Kui Te pole selles täiesti kindel , rääkige oma murest arsti või juuksuriga. Enam kui tõenäoline, et see on vaid ajutine olukord. Kui Teie juuksed tugevalt väljalangevad võib põhjus olla milleski muus. Hooajaline väljalangemine toimub üle pea ja ei peatu ühes kindlas kohas, kuid kui teile tundub, et tegu on siiski juba karvavabade kohtadega pealael, on probleem milleski muus.


Life is short. You might as well live it with really great hair.

Karolin ❤

KEVIN.MURPHY thickening series


Welcome back to RandRilu!
Today we are talking about KEVIN.MURPHY thickening products, that will help your hair get stronger and thicker.
Happy reading and do let us know in the comments if you have any questions or you would love to share your experience. 😉

Kevin.Murphy thickening series helps strengthen and tighten fine hair thanks to advanced lash extension technology and luxurious blend of  Hemsleya root and oleanolic acid with ginger root and nettle extracts.


Plump up in all the right places, and take your hair to a whole new level of volume and thickness with PLUMPING.WASH. Created to nourish every strand from root to tip, fine and ageing hair will transform into stronger, fuller-looking locks with renewed strength and vitality.



Apply to wet hair and massage gently through the hair and scalp. Rinse. Repeat if needed. Follow with PLUMPING.RINSE. Can be used daily, and as part of our THICKENING regimen.


- Thickens without weighing down the hair.
- Stimulates circulation in the scalp while nourishing the hair follicles.
- Helps to maintain the integrity of your hair's health.
- Creates volume, while delivering softness and shine.
- Ideal for all hair types, especially fine and ageing hair.
- Sulphate, paraben and cruelty-free.


Extracts of ginger root and nettle help to strengthen and densify fine hair, leaving the scalp feeling revitalized and refreshed.

Known for it's strengthening properties, and rich with antioxidants, lovely hemsleya root helps fortify the roots and fight follicle ageing.

Aloe vera leaf extract - Packed with essential vitamins and minerals, this natural conditioning agent helps to restore sheen, lustre and shine.

Rice protein & rice amino acids are rich in vital nutrients essential for hair repair. Rice amino acid helps condition, strengthen and expand the diameter of the hair shaft. Also helps the hair appear thicker and adds an overall more luxurious, silky sheen.

Packed with an abundance of antioxidant and vitamin goodness, bamboo extract is also rich source of mineral nourishment and a key ingredient to help protect the integrity of hair health.

Richly conditioning and moisturising, silk amino acids helps to improve hydration and draw in moisture for hair that appears more flexible, manageable and softer.

Acai berry extract, known for it's anti-ageing benefits, is an antioxidant packed ''super-fruit'' with essential vitamins to add luminous shine.



Treat fine, thin or ageing hair to a lavish level of conditioning goodness with PLUMPING.RINSE. Our luxurious rinse delivers essential nourishment to help restore thickness, and boost volume, while imparting sublime shine and silky-soft texture.



Apply to freshly washed hair and allow the hair to absorb the benefits for 1-2 minutes, follow with a refreshing rinse. Can be used daily and as part of our THICKENING regimen. For optimal plumping results use after washing with PLUMPING.WASH and finish with BODY.MASS


- Packed with essential ingredients to help hydrate the hair.
- Helps protect and strengthen hair from root to tip.
- Hair feels thicker, with added volume and bounce.
- Delivers for all hair types, especially fine and ageing hair.
- Sulphate, paraben and cruelty-free.

Rice amino acids help condition, strengthen and expand the diameter of the hair shaft to help hair feel thicker, with and overall more luxurious silky sheen.

Shea butter delivers moisture to dry or damaged hair from root to tip and helps repair and protect against environmental stressors, dryness and brittleness. Quickly absorbing, this naturally-good-for-you butter helps rehydrate the hair and scalp without clogging the cuticles.

Aloe vera leaf extract - Packed with essential vitamins and minerals, this natural conditioning agent helps to restore sheen, lustre and shine.

Extracts of ginger root and nettle help to strengthen and densify fine hair, leaving scalp feeling revitalized and refreshed.

Acai berry extract, known for it's anti-ageing benefits, is an antioxidant packed ''super-fruit'' with essential vitamins to add luminous shine.



As the name implies...this is BODY in a bottle. Created using eyelash thickening and lengthening technology, BODY.MASS helps strengthen the hair, while imparting a fullness and thickness that gives you beautiful body and bounce. Richly formulated with oleanolic acid, our leave-in plumping treatment helps fortify and strengthen at the roots to help prevent hair ageing.

Want to read about spring seasonal hair loss, here is our last blog:



Prep hair with PLUMPING.WASH and RINSE, from our THICKENING regiment and towel dry. Spray BODY.MASS evenly throughout damp or towel dried hair, concentrating on the roots and scalp. Do not rinse, dry and style as usual.


- Helps to strengthen and fortify hair from root to tip.
- Boosts thickness for increased body and bounce.
- Helps increase microcirculation to the scalp.
- Offers heat protection up to 420°F / 216°C
- Ideal for all hair types, especially fine, ageing and thinning hair.
- Sulphate, paraben and cruelty-free.


Known for it's strengthening properties and rich antioxidants, oleanolic acid from lovely hemsleya root helps fortify the roots and fights follicle ageing.

Adansonia digitata (baobab) fruit extract a ''superfood'' from Africa packed with nutritional goodness, helps repair damaged hair, increases hair strength and moisturises dry hair to create greater manageability and all-over softness.

A native plant from the island of Corsica, Helichrysum italicum (Immortelle) extract is renowned for it's anti-ageing benefits. Alongside it's beneficial soothing properties, it also helps to strengthen and repair the hair.

Naturally derived from whole wheat, Hydrolysed wheat protein improves body, boosts shine and leaves hair feeling deeply nourished and conditioned.

Eurerpe oleracea (acai) fruit extract known for it's many anti-ageing benefits, is an antioxidant packed ''super-fruit'' with essential vitamins, that helps promote healthy hair growth while adding shine.


CUSTOMER'S FEEDBACK (used for 6.months)

1) Are there any changes with the hair?
- Now when I start to think about it, hair feels a bit voluminous and a bit fuller.
2) Does the hair stay clean longer?
- Compared to my regular shampoos it stays clean longer.
3) Do products last longer?
- Frankly, I've never thought of looking that before. But shampoo has much more foam and you don't need as much as regular shampoo.
4) Do you have anything else to add?
- Products smell nice. Since I have short hair, most of the time my shampoo runs out before conditioner, but I think if you have longer hair you would have the opposite problem.



I've worked with women of all ages, with all hair types and by far the most emotionally devastating 'hair' issue I've seen is hair loss/thinning. I decided to create a product that would add volume plus help to densify and strengthen the hair. Using scientifically proven eyelash plumping technology, we created BODY.MASS, the final step in our THICKENING regimen. Used alongside PLUMPING.WASH and RINSE and as part of our THICKENING regimen, our leave-in plumping treatment will create plumper, thicker-looking hair. You'll notice instant cosmetic thickening and over time you'll see a noticeable difference in hair quality - Try it for 14 days, and the results will speak for themselves.


Spring seasonal hair loss blog: 

Life is short. You might as well live it with really great hair.

Karolin ❤

Spring seasonal hair loss


Welcome back to RandRilu!
Today we are talking about why our hair falls out more in winter/spring and how to prevent that from happening.
Happy reading and do let us know in the comments if there are any questions we haven't yet covered in this post 😉


Hair loss of any kind can be frightening... especially when it comes out of nowhere. If you're starting to see a few extra hairs in the sink and nothing in your diet or lifestyle has changed, you may be experiencing seasonal hair loss.

Don't worry. It sounds worse than it is, and in most cases, it's only temporary.

Let's take a look at the different kinds on hair loss, including seasonal hair shedding in spring, and why it happens in the first place.


Normal hair loss vs. Seasonal hair loss

As you might already know, everyone's hair sheds. Men, women, young, old - everyone. And for the most part, it's completely normal, thanks to the hair growth cycle.

Usually we lose about 100 strands of hair a day. A hundred may seem like a significant amount , but it's mostly undetectable. Why? As at any given time  90% of your hair is in the growth phase, while 6-8% is in dormant phase and in state of fall. As we lose 100 strands a day most of our hair is growing back at the same time.


-Anagen (hair growth) phase.
The anagen of growing phase is the first part of the hair growth cycle. During the anagen phase cells of the bulb divide rapidly, resulting in new hair growth. 80% - 90% of hair follicules are in the anagen phase at any given time.
Anagen phase lasts somewhere between 3-5 years. The length of the anagen phase determines the maximum hair length. For example, people who have very long hair have a very long anagen phase. Eyelashes, eyebrows and body hair have shorter growth phases than for the hair on your head, which is why they are much shorter. There are many factors that influence the length of the anagen phase, including genetics, nutrition, age and overall health.

- Catagen (transition) phase.
After the hair growth phase starts the catagen phase. This short, transitional phase only lasts to three weeks. During the catagen phase, the hair stops growing and detaches itself from the blood supply.

-Telogen (resting) phase.
The telogen phase, or resting phase follows the catagen phase. During the telogen phase hair rests while a new hair begins to grow beneath it. This new hair will eventually take place of the fallen out hair. The telogen phase lasts for three months, and 10-15% of all hair is in this phase at the time.

-Telogen (Exogen) (Hair shedding) phase.
The exogen, or hair shedding phase is the last phase of the hair cycle. During the exogen phase the resting hair detaches and falls out. Every hair eventually sheds, and it's completely normal to lose 50 to 100 strands each day.
In fact, the exogen phase is why you'll frequently see hair in your shower drain or on your hair brush. You should only be concerned if there's a sudden change and many more hair falls out than usual.
After the exogen phase, the follicle then returns to the anagen phase and the cycle repeats.


Seasonal shedding has a different explanation...

According to scientists, hair's role is to cover the scalp and protect it from the harsh rays of the sun. When the sun is less intense, there isn't as much of a need for hair to protect the scalp. So, when the weather is cooler, it's common for women to see more shedding.


Do you lose more hair in the spring?

The two most common times for seasonal hair loss are late summer (July and August) and late winter (December and January). This winter hair loss is more significant and can sometimes continue into the spring months, especially if you live in a colder climate.

If you're expecting spring hair loss, know that it's more likely a byproduct of a normal post-summer shedding. As the weather gets warmer and the sun becomes more intense, your hair will shed less and work its way back into a normal growth cycle.


How to slow down seasonal hair loss?

If  you're sure it's seasonal hair loss, you don't want (or need) to do anything too major. That being said, it can't hurt to make a few tweaks in your day-to-day routine to minimize the shedding.

Here are 4 ways to slow down seasonal hair loss.

  • Leave your hair loose
You only want to lose hair that are naturally ready to shed. Styling your hair in tight ponytails and braids can damage fragile hair and tangle your loose hair with healthy ones. This can increase the chances of damaging otherwise healthy hair, causing even more hair to fall out.

  • Avoid heavy styling products
Another way to keep the loose hair and healthy hair separate is to avoid any sticky styling products. Those mousses and hair gels that you love so much could be causing undue stress on your hair follicles.
It's not something you have to give up long-term, but scaling back on the product will make sure that hair strands ready to fall out don't get other healthy hair involved.

  • Stick to your regimen
Seeing more of your hair fall out is never fun, but take care not to overreact. Be gentle with your hair when you can, but just make sure that all your other bases are covered.
Stay hydrated, and keep eating foods that have the hair growth nutrients you need like protein, biotin, iron and vitamin A, C and E. It could be a good time to look into a hair growth vitamin if you want to be sure that your hair is getting all the nutrients it needs to grow.

  • Try our Kevin.Murphy plumping series
Plump up in all the right places, and take your hair to a whole new level of volume and thickness with PLUMPING.WASH and PLUMPING.RINSE. Created to nourish every strand from root to tip, fine and ageing hair will transform into stronger, fuller-looking locks with renewed strength and vitality.

More info HERE


Remember that seasonal hair loss is normal. Shedding will normally be more prominent during winter months, but everyone's hair reacts differently. Some women will see no difference in their hair, and for others seasonal hair shedding in spring can really affect your appearance.
If you're ever unsure, talk to your doctor or hairdresser to ease your concerns. More than likely, it's just a temporary situation that will pass as long as you stick with your regimen. If your hair is severely thinning, it could be something else. Just make sure you're open and willing to take control!


Life is short. You might as well live it with really great hair.

Karolin ❤